JRPageViewControllerKit wraps all the boilerplate code that is required for the implementation of UIPageViewController
This library aims to wrap all the boilerplate code that is required for the implementation of the UIPageViewController
. Within a few lines of code you have a UIPageViewController
ready to run. In order to achieve that this library overrides the UIPageViewControllerDataSource
and UIPageViewControllerDelegate
with a custom implementation. It also implements the UIScrollViewDelegate
of the scrollview that is within the UIPageViewController
- iOS 8+
- Swift 4.0
- Xcode 9
pod 'JRPageViewControllerKit'
github "psartzetakis/JRPageViewControllerKit"
import JRPageViewControllerKit
// 1. Create a factory that will return viewController for a specific index.
let factory: ((Int) -> ChildViewController?) = { [unowned self] index -> ChildViewController? in
let viewController = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ChildViewController") as! ChildViewController
viewController.index = index
return viewController
// 2. Instantiate a PageViewControllerManager.
let pageViewControllerManager = PageViewControllerManager(insertIn: containerView, inViewController: self, totalPages: 6, viewControllerForIndex: factory)
// 3. Get notified when user swiped to another viewController.
pageViewControllerManager.didScrollToIndex = { index in
// The index that the user has just scrolled.
// 4. Get notified when another viewController is about to be appeared.
pageViewControllerManager.nextViewControllerAppears = { [unowned self] direction, ratio, destinationIndex in
let ratio = String(format: "%.2f", ratio)
let text = "direction:\(direction.rawValue), ratio:\(ratio),\n to \(destinationIndex)"
is being provided under MIT Licence.
Copyright © 2016-present Panagiotis Sartzetakis