Tags: 8573/irc-bot.rs
Crates.io release 0.2.1 This is a Crates.io release of `irc-bot`, version 0.2.1. At this point, the library is unfinished, unpolished, and unstable, but usable. Changes made since the previous release include some bug-fixes, one of which is more of a feature-addition: one now can specify channels for the example bot to join in its configuration file.
Crates.io release 0.2.0 This is a Crates.io release of `irc-bot`, version 0.2.0. At this point, the library is unfinished, unpolished, and unstable, but usable. I don't think the library deserves a release at this point, but it's much better than what I had on Crates.io before.