This repository contains the original implementation of the paper - Reducing Overlearning through Disentangled Representations by Suppressing Unknown Tasks.
- Generate synthetic dataset (Can skip this with custom dataset)
- Train a deep learning model for one task (currently training DenseNet model, can replace this with custom DL model)
- Extract features of dataset on the DL model (can chose any custom layer)
- Train neural network classifier model for other auxillary tasks (can replace this with custom classifier)
- Computer Model trust score
Overall Input:
- Image data: (N, h, w, 3) where 'N' is the number of images, 'hxw' is the dimension of each image
- Image label: (N, m) where 'm' is the number of tasks performed using the same image - m_1 can be a 3-class classification task, m_2 maybe a 7-class classification task etc. One of the 'm' is a primary task and the rest of the 'm' becomes auxillary tasks.
- DL model: 'keras' or 'tf.keras' compatible DL model object (trained or vanilla). The DL model is trained on the primary task.
Overall Output:
- Trust score: [0-1], on how much the input DL model performs trustworthy learning on the input image data
This code requires Keras 2+ and works in Python 3.6+
$ git clone
$ cd model-trust
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python
There are four primary paramter files for customization:
DenseNet Trust Score: 0.7572
Please submit a Github issue if you have any questions or find any bugs.