Molecular Analysis services - Supported Workflows
- Sanger
- NGS - Whole Genome
- Metagenomics
- Generic workflow
seqdb-api is an implementation of the Sequence Module for the DINA project.
Services d'analyse moléculaire - Flux de travail supportés
- Sanger
- NGS - Génome entier
- Métagénomique
- Flux de travail générique
seqdb-api est une implémentation du module de sequence pour le DINA project (anglais seulement).
- Java 21
- Maven 3.8+
- PostgreSQL 10
- Docker
mvn clean spring-boot:run
More information on Running the application.
For testing purpose a Docker Compose example file is available in the local
Create a new docker-compose.yml file and .env file from the example file in the local directory:
cp local/docker-compose.yml.example docker-compose.yml
cp local/*.env .
Start the app (default port is 8084):
docker-compose up
Once the services have started you can access the endpoints at http://localhost:8084/api/
docker-compose down
Automated tests are run using an embedded Docker container.