A teaching aid to understand neural network training.
Epochs? Units? Batch Size? Activation?
There are a plethora of parameters that play with when training an neural network. Students have a hard time understanding the effect of each one. That's why I created ModelViz. ModelViz makes it simple to visually see the effects that these parameters have. Students can customize a neural network, change the training parameters, and see the neural network learn over time. With ModelViz, students can understand how each value can affect the performance of a neural network.
- Selectable Training Data
- Train a neural network on different mathematical functions
y = sin(x)
y = x ^ 2
y = 2 ^ x
- Train a neural network on different mathematical functions
- Model Creation
- Create a model with unlimited layers.
- Choose the neuron count.
- Select an activation type.
- Modifiable Training Parameters
- Epochs
- Batch Size
- Domain of Function
- Point Count
- Snapshot Count
- Interactive Visualization
- KNN Viewer
- For fun, view a scatter plot of a KNN attempting to model a function
- Framework: SvelteKit
- Scripts: TypeScript
- Styling: Vanilla CSS
- Deployment: Cloudflare