Instructions for Operating the Chrome Extension
In this repository, you will find several folders. Any of the folders that are titled as extensions are versions of our chrome extension. Simply download one of them(we recommend the most recent one) and extract the zip file.
Open the Chrome Web Browser Navigate to chrome://extensions (Type “chrome://extensions” in the search bar) On the top right hand of the screen, turn on “developer mode”
After turning on developer mode, click “load unpacked” at the top left hand side of the screen.
Navigate to the extracted file in step one. Upload the folder with “manifest.json” directly inside (You may have to navigate to the folder inside the extracted folder depending on how it was extracted if you get “could not load manifest”). Upload the folder with the manifest inside, the chrome extension should be uploaded after the file is uploaded.
Now the extension should be on chrome. To try the extension open a new tab and search up anything. Go to images. Click the puzzle piece at the top right.
Click on the circled part and a popup should appear. Use this popup to apply filters to the images. Not that the filter will only work for websites using “https”.
This extension allows you to use prebuilt filters, create your own, and even figure out what type of colorblindness you have via a simple quiz.