Welcome to my website: https://www.effortgo.com

EffortGo is a personal project, based on open-source projects from Github. It brings together tools commonly used across various industries in daily life and work. If you find EffortGo helpful, you can add it to your favorites, export it as a desktop application through your browser, or share it with your friends.
EffortGo will remain free and open-source. If you would like to support my work and encourage me to add more tools, you are welcome to contribute through the "Support Me" button.
EffortGo’s front-end is developed using Vue3, TypeScript and the Naive UI component library.
yarn install
yarn dev
yarn build
Follow me on X and Rednote for the latest updates. You can also contact me via email at effortgo2024@gmail.com.
Thank you for your attention. Your support will shape EffortGo's future.
Big thanks to all the pioneers who have contributed open source code, especially Corentin Thomasset's IT-Tools project, where I learned a lot of front-end development techniques.
This project is under the GNU GPLv3.