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This repository contains analysis markdown files and scripts for analysing porcine BAL scRNAseq data as a collaborative work between the Babraham institute and Pirbright Institute. Results are now published in PLOS Pathogens, titled; 'Single-cell analysis reveals lasting immunological consequences of influenza infection and respiratory immunisation in the pig lung'.

Original unprocessed data can be downloaded from GEO(GSE249866).

To replicate the analysis performed in the published paper, download the fastq.gz files from GEO(GSE249866) and perform alignment/counting using cellranger count (cellranger-7.0.0) using default parameters and Sus scrofa genome (genome assembly 11.1, Ensembl release 107) to regenerate files used in the original analysis. Example cellranger commands can be found in '/cluster scripts'.

Directory should look like this for each sample folder:

  • sample1 folder
    • molecule_info.h5
    • raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 also available on GEO
    • filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 also available on GEO
    • raw_feature_bc_matrix folder
      • barcodes.tsv.gz
      • features.tsv.gz
      • matrix.mtx.gz
    • filtered_feature_bc_matrix folder
      • barcodes.tsv.gz
      • features.tsv.gz
      • matrix.mtx.gz

Scripts in this directory are run in the following order:

  1. processing_all.Rmd Reads in cellranger output (see above) and performs initial filtering and QC.
  2. clustering_all.Rmd Clustering and cluster inspection.
  3. differential_all.Rmd Cell type annotation followed by an initial differential expression analysis utilising a pseudobulk approach.

The following scripts can be run in any order, provided the scripts above have been run.

  • Validation_vs_PBMC.Rmd Comparative analysis between the clusters and cell types identified in the pig BAL against the reference PBMC transcriptome published by Herrera-Uribe et al. 2021 (
  • diff-co_NEBULA.Rmd Differential expression and co-expression analysis with NEBULA as well as topGO enrichment of the identified genes.
  • Treg_pseudobulk_volcanoes.Rmd Short script to generate volcano plots of differentially expressed genes from Tregs derived from the pseudobulk analysis in differential_all.Rmd. This script was used for responding to reviewers comments and doesn't generate data for the related paper.
  • diff-co.Rmd Initial look at differential co-expression using dcanr. Not utilised in paper.

shiny_app/data.rds to use for data exploration in the shiny app shiny_app/app.R is generated by clustering all.Rmd (unannotated data) and differential_all.Rmd (annotated and normalised data).


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