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May 2015

Fixed unit inconsistencies in CMPALT. Beta release.

June 2010


     - Modify rrtm_instructions to reflect updates

     - Fix interpolation scheme bug in taumol.f
		- See email notes from July 2009, Subject: CCMVal Case B

     - Add new continuum coefficients created by Andy Maher (obtained from 
     /storm/rc4/amaher/rrtm_cntm_mt_ckd_2.5/new-k_gB-files) in early May 2010.

     - rrtm.f, cldprop.f: Overhaul the code to read in cloud optical properties, so a number
     of revisions were made to the August 2009 revisions.  New code is
     stored in src_newcloudopts, and has been copied into src.

	- Attempted to accomodate all options properly for
          iscat=0,1,2/inflag=0,1,2,10; Modified OUT_CLD_RRTM file to
          reflect these options/.

	- Modified many common blocks to bring read-in properties into
          main part of code

	!!- Fixed significant bug in cldprop.f that utilized the
          iceflag=2 extinction properties in the iceflag=3 routine.

	- There was an apparent bug for inflag = 0,1 in that taucloud
          was only set for the first band.  So, in cldprop.f, added:
	                  DO 1000 IB = 1, NCBANDS                  
	                     TAUCLOUD(LAY,IB) = ABSCLD1 * CWP
			  1000             CONTINUE

	- Lower limit on radliq now set to 2.5 (see emails from Mike Iacono, 
	February 2010, subject: cldprop issues).  This is now consistent with RRTMG_LW.

     - Updated rrtatm.f to be consistent with lblatm v9.14 using program lbl2r_v9.14.f; this mean that the CO2MX 
     input parameter NO LONGER works and all run decks using this scaling factor will need modification.

     - extra.f: Changed MXZMD to 6000 to be consistent with new rrtatm.f; Replaced MXMOL in most all points 
     with MX_XS to be consistent with LBLRTM and original RRTM.

     - Changed MXMOL in all subroutines to 39

     - rrtm.f,rrtatm.f, and others: Added gravity, specific heat of air, molecular weight of air,
     sec/day to NIST data block in rrtm.f; Modified common blocks
     accordingly; removed AIRMWT data statement from rrtatm.f

     - rrtm.f: Updated NIST constants

     - rrtatm.f: Revised gravity formulation to use "grav" constant rather
     than hard-wired value of 9.80 in the formula for g0.

     - Increase number of calculational output levels to 600 
	- Modify MXLAY to 603 in all codes.
	- Modify MXFSC to 600 in rrtatm.f, extra.f

     - rtrdis.f: 

July 1, 2005


	Not publicly released at this time.  

	- Fixed bug in rtrdis.f: heating rate calculation needed a "-" in front
		of variable heatfac to produce appropriate sign (Note: RRTM_LW and RRTM_SW
		were designed to keep the net flux positive for both spectral regimes, thereby
		necessitating the "-" sign for the LW heating rate calculations).
	- Fixed minor bugs in taumol, setcoef, as reported by NCEP  
	- Added WV continuum coefficients inadvertently left out of the original v3.0 release
	- Fixed other minor bugs
	- Added Absoft Pro Fortran Compiler makefile for MAC OS_X
	- Upgraded rrtatm.f to be compatible with CVS revision 9.3 lblatm.f

July 29, 2004


	Archiving numerous changes to the code.  Not publicly released at this time. 

	- Fixed bug in the digits of PI in rrtm.f
	- Created rtrdis to call DISORT v2 to do scattering calculations
	- Modified disort v2 to do double precision, and change sgi makefile to compile in double
	- Modified cldprop to do scattering.  
		* Updated the cldprop spheres to use latest streamer version 3.0. 
		* Remade Fu properties on finer grid.  
		* Modified documentation. 
		* Now output a file called OUT_CLD_RRTM with the cloud optical properties.  
	- Added patent statement
	- Changed number of digits printed out in net flux in rrtm.f
	- Added new rrtatm.f made from lblatm.f v8.1 and updated extra.f to be compatible
	- Removed numatmos option in rrtm.f
	- Removed NUMATMOS option 
	- Updated pressure level formatting to be consistent with RRMT_SW
	- Updated revision number format to be consistent with RRTM_SW/LBLRTM	
	- Updated rrtm_instructions

September 16 Archive Note:  
	Removed all utilities from the RRTM CVS repository.  Now using CVS utility repository.
	Note that the utilities in the release 3.0 and 3.01 were also from the CVS
	utility repository AND NOT FROM THE ARCHIVED one.  This is important when
	checking our Release_3_0 and Release_3_01.

September 16, 2002:

		This version was released to the public on September 16 (aer_rrtm_v3.01.tar.Z).  
		It is 
		nearly identical to v3.0 EXCEPT for a change to the SUN/SGI makefiles, a
		a minor modification to the instruction file, and a minor modification
		to the sample_runs directory in the tar file.

August 2002: 

		This version was released to the public in mid-August.  It is the full
		release of the new version.  Comprised the tar file aer_rrtm_v3.0.tar.Z

June 10, 2002:

		This is the first archived version in CVS of the new (3.0) release
		RRTM.  It is being sent to Tim Shippert at PNL for testing in the BBHRP.
		(Note: For the ARM 2002 STM, Tim received an unarchived version which
		was called release_3_0_beta).


	Release 2.3
		This was the last version archived in SCCS, and pulled into CVS.  It
		is currently (as of June 2002) been place on the RT web-site 


Longwave rapid radiative transfer model






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