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Mike Iacono edited this page Jan 5, 2023 · 3 revisions
RRTM_LW Version Release Date Modifications
v3.3 June 2010 Public Release
  • Modified rrtm_instructions to reflect updates,
  • Fixed interpolation scheme bug in taumol.f (See email notes from July 2009, Subject: CCMVal Case B),
  • Add new continuum coefficients created by Andy Maher (obtained from /storm/rc4/amaher/rrtm_cntm_mt_ckd_2.5/new-k_gB-files) in early May 2010,
  • In rrtm.f, cldprop.f: Overhaul the code to read in cloud optical properties, so a number of revisions were made to the August 2009 revisions. New code is stored in src_newcloudopts, and has been copied into src,
  • Attempted to accomodate all options properly for iscat=0,1,2/inflag=0,1,2,10; Modified OUT_CLD_RRTM file to reflect these options/,
  • Modified many common blocks to bring read-in properties into main part of code,
  • Fixed significant bug in cldprop.f that utilized the iceflag=2 extinction properties in the iceflag=3 routine,
  • There was an apparent bug for inflag = 0,1 in that taucloud was only set for the first band. So, in cldprop.f, added: DO 1000 IB = 1, NCBANDS // TAUCLOUD(LAY,IB) = ABSCLD1 * CWP // 1000 CONTINUE,
  • Lower limit on radliq now set to 2.5 (see emails from Mike Iacono, February 2010, subject: cldprop issues). This is now consistent with RRTMG_LW,
  • Updated rrtatm.f to be consistent with lblatm v9.14 using program lbl2r_v9.14.f; this mean that the CO2MX input parameter NO LONGER works and all run decks using this scaling factor will need modification,
  • extra.f: Changed MXZMD to 6000 to be consistent with new rrtatm.f; Replaced MXMOL in most all points with MX_XS to be consistent with LBLRTM and original RRTM,
  • Changed MXMOL in all subroutines to 39,
  • rrtm.f,rrtatm.f, and others: Added gravity, specific heat of air, molecular weight of air, sec/day to NIST data block in rrtm.f; Modified common blocks accordingly; removed AIRMWT data statement from rrtatm.f,
  • rrtm.f: Updated NIST constants,
  • rrtatm.f: Revised gravity formulation to use "grav" constant rather than hard-wired value of 9.80 in the formula for g0,
  • Increase number of calculational output levels to 600: a) Modify MXLAY to 603 in all codes, b) Modify MXFSC to 600 in rrtatm.f, extra.f,
v3.2 July 2005 Internal Release Only
  • Fixed bug in rtrdis.f: heating rate calculation needed a "-" in front of variable heatfac to produce appropriate sign (Note: RRTM_LW and RRTM_SW were designed to keep the net flux positive for both spectral regimes, thereby necessitating the "-" sign for the LW heating rate calculations),
  • Fixed minor bugs in taumol, setcoef, as reported by NCEP,
  • Added WV continuum coefficients inadvertently left out of the original v3.0 release,
  • Fixed other minor bugs,
  • Added Absoft Pro Fortran Compiler makefile for MAC OS_X,
  • Upgraded rrtatm.f to be compatible with CVS revision 9.3 lblatm.f
v3.1 July 2004 Internal Release Only
  • Fixed bug in the digits of PI in rrtm.f,
  • Created rtrdis to call DISORT v2 to do scattering calculations,
  • Modified disort v2 to do double precision, and change sgi makefile to compile in double,
  • Modified cldprop to do scattering: a) Updated the cldprop spheres to use latest streamer version 3.0, b) Remade Fu properties on finer grid, c) Modified documentation, d) Now output a file called OUT_CLD_RRTM with the cloud optical properties,
  • Added patent statement,
  • Changed number of digits printed out in net flux in rrtm.f,
  • Added new rrtatm.f made from lblatm.f v8.1 and updated extra.f to be compatible,
  • Removed numatmos option in rrtm.f,
  • Removed NUMATMOS option,
  • Updated pressure level formatting to be consistent with RRTM_SW,
  • Updated revision number format to be consistent with RRTM_SW/LBLRTM,
  • Updated rrtm_instructions
v3.0.1 September 2002 Public Release
  • This version is nearly identical to v3.0 EXCEPT for a change to the SUN/SGI makefiles, a minor modification to the instruction file, and a minor modification to the sample_runs directory in the tar file.
v3.0 August 2002 Public Release
  • Full release of the new version of the model.
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