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AElf Block API

Quick Start

Please ensure your dependencies are ready.

Default port: 7101

Open, you will see 'hi, this is aelf-block-api.'.


  • 1.aelf-scan-mysql: Start up aelf-scan-mysql at first. There are mysql and redis services in this project
  • 2.NodeJS: You can see the JS dependencies in package.json, we use egg.js(Node.js & Koa).
    1. Redis, you need a redis

1.Change the Config

set your own configs in .env

include: sql, endpoint and side chain APIs

  1. sql: mysql service in aelf-scan-mysql
  2. endpoint: chain endpoint
  3. side chain APIs: other chains' aelf-block-api services URLs

And Redis config in config/config.default.js

Warning About Mysql:

  • Please do not use root. Use the normal users without SUPER privilege.

Grant Demo

    CREATE USER 'normal_aelf'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
    GRANT select, insert, update, delete on aelf_test.* TO 'normal_aelf'@'localhost';

2.Start the node server

try to use at first.

npm install

# for local development
npm run dev
# for production
npm start
# for shutdown in production environment
npm stop

About csrf-token & POST API

If you want test Post API.

You must set header x-csrf-token=(csrfToken in cookie).

// for a javascript example
const csrf = document.cookie.match(/csrfToken=[^;]*/)[0].replace('csrfToken=', '');
fetch(`/block/api/address/transactions`, {
    credentials: 'include',
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        // About csrf token
        // csrf:
        // csrf:
        'x-csrf-token': csrf,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/json'


You can get the docs in the folder ./postman

Dev Suggestion

We advise you implement your own API like the example.

// 1.
// The framework recommends that the Controller layer is responsible for processing request parameters(verification and transformation)
// from user's requests, then calls related business methods in Service, encapsulates and sends back business result:
// 1.retrieves parameters passed by HTTP.
// 2.verifies and assembles parameters.
// 3.calls the Service to handle business, if necessary,
//          transforms Service process results to satisfy user's requirement.
// 4.sends results back to user by HTTP.
// 框架推荐 Controller 层主要对用户的请求参数进行处理(校验、转换),然后调用对应的 service 方法处理业务,得到业务结果后封装并返回:
// 获取用户通过 HTTP 传递过来的请求参数。
// 校验、组装参数。
// 调用 Service 进行业务处理,必要时处理转换 Service 的返回结果,让它适应用户的需求。
// 通过 HTTP 将结果响应给用户。

// 2.
// give the params keysRule.

// Example, code snippets.
// controller/address.js
    async function getTokens() {
        let ctx = this.ctx;

        // Not only param validate but also a detail param doc.
        // About 'paramater':
        const keysRule = {
            address: 'string',
            limit: {
                type: 'int',
                required: false,
                allowEmpty: true,
                max: 500,
                min: 0
            page: {
                type: 'int',
                required: false,
                allowEmpty: true
            order: {
                type: 'string',
                required: false,
                allowEmpty: true
            nodes_info: {
                type: 'boolean',
                required: false,
                allowEmpty: true

        try {
            let {
            } = ctx.request.query;
            let options = {
                limit: limit ? parseInt(limit, 10) : 0,
                page: page ? parseInt(page, 10) : 0,
                order: order || 'DESC',
                nodes_info: nodes_info || false
            ctx.validate(keysRule, options);
            let result = await ctx.service.address.getTokens(options);
            formatOutput(ctx, 'get', result);
        catch (error) {
            formatOutput(ctx, 'error', error, 422);

// service/address.js
async function getTokens(options) {
    // get the tokens information.


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