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This repository contains theme for Vuepress, made specifically for creating live ebooks, like this one with ease:

It's compatible with vuepress 0.x.


  1. Create new vuepress project.

  2. Install theme:

yarn add vuepress-theme-live-ebook
  1. Install required peer dependencies:
yarn add vue-svg-loader
  1. Create config .vuepress/config.js, here's the example one:
// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
  title: 'Design Process by Netguru', // Page title
  description: 'Live E-Book with useful informations about Design Process',
  theme: 'live-ebook', // Important! This is the name of this theme
  redirectToFirstSection: false, // Important! Control if `/` should redirect to 1st chapter or not
  base: '/', // Base URL, leave as is if you don't serve the book from a folder
  contactUrl: '/', // Url on which user will be redirected after click on contact
  head: [
    ['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '/images/favicon.ico' }],
    ['meta', { property: 'og:type', content: 'website' }],
  ga: 'UA-259047-66', // Google Analytics ID
  themeConfig: {
    bookTitle: 'Design Process for pros', // Book title
    baseUrl: '', // Used for sharing in social media and for meta tags
    exitUrl: '',
    company: {
      name: 'Netguru',
      url: '',
      logo: '/images/netguru.svg'
      logoMobile: '/images/netguru_letter.svg',
      copyRights: '© 2019 Copyrights by Netguru. All rights reserved.'
    socials: {
      facebook: 'netguru',
      twitter: 'netguru',
      dribbble: 'netguru',
      behance: 'netguru',

  chainWebpack: (config) => {
    const svgRule = config.module.rule('svg');


  1. Create file with the following content:
layout: home

Everything that goes under will be displayed on home page. You may add any content, use existing sections designed for a landing page or create your own within the project. Out of the box, you will see rendered header and footer.

Example of home layout code

layout: home
  intro="Short intro text"
  imgAlt="image is displayed under intro text"
<h1>Your own tag</h1>

Important! If you don't need landing page, set redirectToFirstSection property in config.js to true.

Alternatively you can also fork one of our E-Books, e.g. PM Book and tweak it to your liking.

Example e-book file tree:

├── .vuepress
│   ├── public <-- publically available files
│   │   ├── fonts
│   │   └── images
│   ├── config.js <-- configuration file, example content posted above
│   ├── override.styl  <-- use this to override default stylus variables
│   └── style.styl <-- put your own CSS here
├── chapters <-- actual e-book content here
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── <-- home page (required, although when you set redirectToFirstSection to true, it's there only to redirect users to 1st chapter) 
└── package.json

Chapter format

Each chapter file has to start with the following Front Matter:

layout: chapter
title: "Example title of Chapter 2"
chapter_number: "02"
description: In this chapter you will ...

# Example title of Chapter 2

Chapter content goes here.
  • Fields: layout, title and chapter_number are required.
  • description field is optional, if present - it will be places in proper meta tags on the page. Defaults to the description from .vuepress/config.js
  • Make sure that title in front matter corresponds to the primary heading - as in the above example.
  • Use only one H1 heading (# ...).

See example chapter for reference.

Landing page example

layout: home

  title="Some title to be render"
  subtitle="Short subtitle"
  intro="Any text e.g. Learn new things about your design process."
  tag="Version 1.0"
    img: 'banner-desktop.png',
    img2x: '',
    imgAlt: '',
    img: 'banner-mobile.png',
    img2x: '',
    imgAlt: '',

  intro="Short intro text"
  imgAlt="image is displayed under intro text"


Available components


If you need to use an image, place it in folder .vuepress/public/images. You can then use it using the <BaseImage /> component, e.g.:

<BaseImage img="sample.png" img2x="[email protected]" alt="Sample image" />

The img2x property is optional. If you want you can also use regular markdown image syntax.


You can insert quotes by using following syntax:

  text="Quote text goes here"
  author="Quote author goes here"

This will produce a following quote: BaseQuote


You can insert Q&A sections by using following syntax:

  question="Why do you want to know the business model?"
  answer="This will allow us some amount of lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conscetur blah blah"

This will produce a following outcome: BaseQA


You can insert DOs and DONT's sections by using following syntax:

  intro="There are a couple of things we need to cover:"
    'Create your wireframes based on a muted color pallete',
    'Use color only if it helps defining the idea behind the design',
    'Don't use color in your wireframe designs unless it has a solid purpose',
    'Don't use various tints of grey',

This will produce a following outcome: BaseComparison


Section is designed to be used on the home page. You can start with this section.

  title="Some title to be render"
  subtitle="Short subtitle"
  intro="Any text e.g. Learn new things about your design process."
  tag="Version 1.0"
    img: 'banner-desktop.png',
    img2x: '',
    imgAlt: '',
    img: 'banner-mobile.png',
    img2x: '',
    imgAlt: '',

The imgMobile property is optional. If not passed, on mobile version, first image will be used. Also, the img2x property is optional.

This will produce a following outcome: BaseComparison


Section will display first three chapters with sections.

  intro="Short intro text"
  imgAlt="image is displayed under intro text"

The intro and image related properties are optional.

This will produce a following outcome: BaseComparison


Section is designed to display three testimonial/recommendation blocks. Passing less than three won't break the layout though.

  intro="Learn new things about your design process."
      name: 'Grzegorz',
      position: 'Some Text',
      recommendation: 'Proin ut condimentum augue, in dignissim orci. Praesent vulputate venenatis.',
      photo: 'test.jpg'
      name: 'Some Grzegorz',
      position: 'Can Be Position',
      recommendation: 'Proin ut condimentum augue, in dignissim orci. Praesent vulputate venenatis.',
      photo: 'test.jpg'
      name: 'Any Name',
      position: 'Frontend Developer',
      recommendation: 'Proin ut condimentum augue, in dignissim orci. Praesent vulputate venenatis.',
      photo: 'test.jpg'
      img: 'calendar.svg',
      imgAlt: 'Calendar Ilustaration',
      img: 'desk.svg',
      imgAlt: 'Desk Ilustaration',

The images property is optional. No image will be displayed if empty. You are also good to go to pass only one. Properties name, position, recommendation, photo are required.

This will produce a following outcome: BaseComparison


In order to customize basic informations, update themeConfig properties in .vuepress/config.js.

You can also override [styles/variables.stylus](default stylus variables), in order to do so create .vuepress/override.styl and override them there. Recommended variables to override:

$ff-base = Helvetica
$ff-serif = Georgia, sans-serif
$c-primary = #ff9a57

Do NOT put regular CSS inside override.styl - it's only for overriding variables.

If you want to add custom CSS, create .vuepress/style.styl.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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