Use Scala Stack JS Compiler instead. It's the same repository but with a new name. Link
Compiles list of Strings with Scala JS code to a JavaScript.
This is a SBT project with Java 21, Scala 3.3.1 and Scala JS 1.12.0
Class ScalaJsCompiler uses method init
to create Classpath
with all necessary libraries loaded.
Use SBT to build a library. You can use > sbt publishM2
to create a local Maven library.
This compiler is excellent to use for a backend server compiling JavaScript on request!
class WebServletContextListener extends ServletContextListener {
val scalaJsCode =
|package tutorial.webapp
|object TutorialApp {
| def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
| println("Hello world!")
| }
def contextInitialized(contextEvent: ServletContextEvent): Unit = {
val loader: (String => InputStream) = (path) => contextEvent.getServletContext.getResourceAsStream(path)
val compiler = ScalaJsCompiler()
val classpath = compiler.init(loader, "/WEB-INF/lib/", Set("scala3-library_3-3.3.1.jar", "scala-library-2.13.10.jar", "scalajs-javalib-1.12.0.jar", "scalajs-library_2.13-1.12.0.jar"))
val javascript = compiler.compileScalaJsString(classpath, scalaJsFile, Optimizer.Fast)
This is reading JAR-files in WEB-INF/lib and provided ScalaJS source. One trick is to put all ScalaJS source in /src/main/webapp/ to make it available for the Servlet context.
Thanks to VirtusLab for upgrading this library!