- LiveStreamingDemo
- For LiveStreaming Game SDK demo
- Languages: python 2 or python 3
- Document description:
- demo.py ---
An SDK to call the SIM, and you will fill your algorithm in it.
- video_size_0 ---
video trace (low_bitrate)
- video_size_1 ---
video trace (high_bitrate)
- train_sim_trace ---
network trace for training
- test_sim_trace ---
network trace for you test
- ABR.py ---
you need to copy your algorithm in demo file to this file and upload it in the website to get your score.
- online.py --- ``the same as the file in the server to call you ABR.py, which helps you to debug your uploads.```
- demo.py ---
- you should upload your algorithm in this area
# -------------------------------------------Your Althgrithom -------------------------------------------
# which part is the algorithm part ,the buffer based ,
# if the buffer is enough, choose the high quality
# if the buffer is in danger, choose the low quality
# if there is no rebuf , choose the low target_buffer
if buffer_size < RESEVOIR:
bit_rate = 0
elif buffer_size >= RESEVOIR + CUSHION:
bit_rate = 1
rebuf_list = [i for i in S_rebuf if i > 0]
if sum(rebuf_list) > sum(S_chunk_len):
target_buffer = 0
target_buffer = 1
# ------------------------------------------- End -------------------------------------------
- Init the env sim :
net_env = env.Environment(all_cooked_time=all_cooked_time, # physical time
all_cooked_bw=all_cooked_bw, # throughput
all_cooked_rtt=all_cooked_rtt, # rtt
random_seed=random_seed, # random_seed
logfile_path=LogFile_Path, # log setting
VIDEO_SIZE_FILE=video_size_file, # video trace
Debug = DEBUG) # Debug setting
- Loop: The cnt control you train steps:
if cnt > 50000:
- every step you can get the observations from env:
time, time_interval, send_data_size, chunk_len, rebuf, buffer_size, rtt, play_time_len,end_delay, decision_flag, buffer_flag,cdn_flag, end_of_video = net_env.get_video_frame(bit_rate,TARGET_BUFFER[target_buffer])
- calculate the score
# QOE setting if not cdn_flag: reward_frame = frame_time_len * float(BIT_RATE[bit_rate]) / 1000 - REBUF_PENALTY * rebuf - LANTENCY_PENALTY * end_delay else: reward_frame = -(REBUF_PENALTY * rebuf) if decision_flag or end_of_video: # reward formate = play_time * BIT_RATE - 1.5 * rebuf - 0.005 * end_delay - 0.02 smooth reward_frame -= * SMOOTH_PENALTY * (abs(BIT_RATE[bit_rate] - BIT_RATE[last_bit_rate]) / 1000)
you will have two types of the trace, one is network trace, another is video trace
12 TRAIN_TRACES = './train_sim_traces/' #train trace path setting, 13 video_size_file = './video_size_' #video trace path setting,
Video trace: Video trace has N files.
(N means the num of bitrate actions)
Video trace format
| Time(s) | frame_data_size(b) | is_I_flag | |------------|--------------------|------------| | 22.1131 | 321312 | 1 |
Network trace Format:
|Time(s) | throughput(kpbs) | rtt(ms)| |---------|------------------|--------| |20.5 | 1.312 | 56 |
if DRAW:
ax = fig.add_subplot(311)
ax = fig.add_subplot(312)
ax = fig.add_subplot(313)
the log is used to debug the code. you can set you log file path:
14 LogFile_Path = "./log/" #log file trace path setting,
- if you are debugging your code, you can let the DEBUG = True.
- if you are trainning your model, consider the I/O, advise you let the DEBUG = False
Log formate:
real_time : physical time
cdn_rebuf : cdn_rebuf time
client_rebuf : client_rebuf time
download_duration: download time
frame_size : download frame data size
play_time_len : play the video time len in this download_duration
download_id : download frame seq
cnd_new_frame : the seq of the cdn newest frame
client_buffer : the clinet buffer
play_time : play time
play_id : play frame seq
latency : end to end latency
real_time 3.0476 cdn_rebuf0.0412 client_rebuf 0.000 download_duration 0.0000 frame_size 21569.0000 play_time_len 0.0412 download_id 76 cdn_newest_frame 76 client_buffer 2.9588 play_time 0.0412 play_id 1.0000 latency 2.9588 000
- which 000 type means the cdn can't get the frame , you can see the cdn_rebuf = 0.0412, the download_id = cdn_newest_frame
real_time 0.8897 cdn_rebuf0.0278 client_rebuf 0.006 download_duration 0.0059 frame_size 14587.0000 play_time len 0.0000 download_id 23 cdn_newest_frame 22 client_buffer 0.9200 play_time 0.0000 play_id 0.0000 latency 0.9200 111
which 111 type means the buffering status , you can see the play_time_len = 0
real_time 4.8653 cdn_rebuf0.0000 client_rebuf 0.000 download_duration 0.0628 frame_size 36672.0000 play_time_len 0.0628 download_id 118 cdn_newest_frame 122 client_buffer 2.7584 play_time 1.9216 play_id 48.0000 latency 2.9184 222
which 222 type means the normal status, you can see the play_time_len = download_duration
skip events: skip_download_frame, play_frame, new_download_frame, ADD_frame428 357 528 100
- which means that it happens the skip events, the player not download the next frame, but to download the next ADD_FRAME frame. to let the latency small.
- which means the player skip
About livestreaming player sim please click the http://www.aitrans.online