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This is a group project for the course Data Structures and Algorithms 2 Laboratory (CE 2201).
Aim of the project is to develop an online facility for customers to order pizzas from a pizza shop.
Programming language used: Java
Data Structures used: Graph, Hashmap, Set, ArrayList
Algorithms used: Dijkstra's Shortest path algorithm
- A customer can view the menu card, select the pizzas of his choice and place an order for home delivery.
- While placing the order, a customer needs to enter personal details and the delivery location.
- If the mobile number of a customer is already registered with the shop, all the details are automatically fetched. Customer has an option of using the same registered address or entering a new one.
- Our system finds the shortest path to the customer’s location and saves this shortest distance.
- The estimated delivery time and delivery charges are calculated on the basis of the shortest distance and displayed to the customer.
- Delivery charges are added to the cost of ordered pizzas and the total bill amount is displayed.
- Customer can confirm his order and pay the bill amount or can cancel the current order.
- File handling: Storing and fetching customer data from a file.
- Adding more pizza shops and expanding delivery locations.
- Offering discount coupons to the returning customers.
- Taking customer feedback and ratings for each pizza.
- Displaying statistics such as:
- Most ordered veg pizza
- Most ordered non-veg pizza
- Location-wise top favorite pizzas
- Displaying the previous order of customer and option to repeat the same order.
- Option of deleting a pizza from order.