Releases: AMReX-Combustion/PeleLMeX
Releases · AMReX-Combustion/PeleLMeX
October 2021
21.10 Release merge (#14) * Move the CoveredMask reset flag out of the if statement. * Add user-defined chemistry tolerances. * Add a Triple flame in Exec/Cases/TripleFlame * While making new level from coarse, get 1 ghost cell right so that AmrNewTime data have one ghost cell properly set. * Add a simple 2D CH4/Air premixed bunsen case. Tested up to 5 levels. * Add a 3Dversion of the premixed bunsen flame. * Need to reset the covered cell mask after restart in case regrid is not called right after. * Add option to restart an efield simulation from a non-efield one. * When restarting from non-efield chk, initialize electro-neutral nE field. * Fix PlotFile to plot I_R(nE) with efield and write/read in phiV/nE in chk. * Machinery to restart from non-efield chk. * Update Precond operator to implement the second approximation of Stilda. * Make use of the absolute tolerance in MLGMRES. * Add fillpatch functions for the non-linear state components. * Enable Schur complement approximation 2. * Define and ParmParse m_ef_schur_approx. * Floor nE along with species if required. * Fix typos in PeleLMBC.cpp * Update PeleLMeX header for new fillpatch functions. * Replace mechanism.h by mechanism.H * Setup gravity. * Use gravity in velocity forces. * Replace .copy by .ParallelCopy. * Add a lifting hot bubble case in RegTests. * Default the to CoVo inputs. * Enable CoVo in all directions. * Default input.2d_CoVo to diagonal direction. * Update with version checking the convergence order. * Init convergence testing CI. * Fix convergence CI (#6) * Fix deps in convergence CI. * Update * Fix Pele Physics (#7) * Update make system to catch up with PP. * Update sources for latest PP. * Fix parsing of constant transport parameters. * Switch AMReX-Hydro (#8) * Add AMReX-Hydro to deps and GMake. * Remove LMX Godunov folder from listed sources. * Fix AMReX-Hydro makefile again and need MOL. * Swtich to HydroUtils to predict velocity and use create_umac_grown_constrained. * Remove stranded Godunov include. * Add m_advection_type. Only Godunov in LMeX. * Switch to HydroUtils::ComputeFluxesOnBoxFromState for advection fluxes. * Remove Godunov from LMeX sources. * Rewritte the advective flux divergence to comply with AMReX-Hydro way. * Update CI. * Feature balance (#9) * Add kin. energy derive function. * Add derive and ParmParse temporals input. * Start setting-up run-time diagnostics. * Update MLNorm0 to not account for fine-covered cells. * Setup mass balance in runtime diagnostics. * Add temporal keys to FlameSheet regtests * Git ignore * Add gnuplot script for mass balance. * Fix runtime selection of reactor. (#10) * Missing AMReX-Hydro home in convergence testing. * Update Make.PeleLMeX * Update reactor in Sources. * Remove one call too many to deallocate of transport. * Update FlameSheet GMake * Add CVODE input keys. * Udpate GMake in Periodic and HotBubble * Fix typo on ReactorNull default: * Make LMeX GPU-compatible (#11) * Remove device from lineaChmeForcing. * Can't init capture in host_device functions. * Fix call to host function on device lambdas. * Change OMP. * Should be the same, but make sure. * Don't init transport for incompressible flows. * Missing Gpu Managed. Will be updated later. * Minor clean up in PeriodicCases. * Fix parm in FLameSheet too. * Restore FlameSheet 3D. * Remove unused. * Add Sundials memory helper. * Remove auto-TPL. Recompile all the source each time. Need fix. * Restore make TPL in GH workflow for now. * Fix velocity ghost cells for Nodal projection. Function (#12) should only overwrite Inflow BCs. * Implement closed chamber algorithm. (#13) * Add auto-detection of closed chamber and unable overwrite. Add PPquery of linear solves tolerances. * Add GammmaInv kernel. * Move MFSum in Utils and initialize uncovered volume computation. * MAC projection function handles closed chamber corrections. * Nodal projection functions handle -/+ of Sbar in RHS. * Remove TODO comment. * Pass dp0dt in diffusion forcing. * Pass dp0dt in Advection forcing. * Add pOld <-> pNew in advance function. * Add adjustPandDivU in Eos file. * Add accessor to divU levels vector * Add declarations. * Add ambient pressure to checkpoint file header. * Uses pNew to get dPdt. * Fix BL_PROF in UMAC * Add an enclosed flame test to test closed chamber. * Add a CI testing closed chamber.
June 2021
Initial release of PeleLMeX, core low-Mach number reacting flow method of PeleLM available with the addition of charged species/electro-static potential algorithm.
Version nomenclature will follow AMReX's, i.e. YY.MM, with monthly update of the main branch with the release.