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Package for OPERA DISP Tile Map Server (TMS) creation.


  1. Ensure that conda is installed on your system (we recommend using mambaforge to reduce setup times).
  2. Download a local version of the OPERA-DISP-TMS repository (git clone
  3. In the base directory for this project call mamba env create -f environment.yml to create your Python environment, then activate it (mamba activate opera-disp-tms)
  4. Finally, install a development version of the package (python -m pip install -e .)

To run all commands in sequence use:

git clone
mamba env create -f environment.yml
mamba activate opera-disp-tms
python -m pip install -e .


This application requires Earthdata Login UAT credentials to download OPERA Displacement data. These credentials can be provided either via a entry in your .netrc file, or via EARTHDATA_USERNAME and EARTHDATA_PASSWORD environment variables.

For instructions on setting up your Earthdata Login via a .netrc file, check out this guide.


This application uses S3 Direct Access to download OPERA Displacement data, and must be run in the us-west-2 AWS region.


Create a Short Wavelength Cumulative Displacement GeoTIFF

The create_measurement_geotiff CLI command can be used to generate a cumulative displacement geotiff for a given OPERA frame:

create_measurement_geotiff 11115 displacement 20140101 20260101

Where 11115 is OPERA frame id of the granule stack in CMR, and 20140101/20260101 specify the start/end of the secondary date search range in format %Y%m%d.

The resulting products have the name format: displacement_{frame id}_{start date}_{end_date}.tif

For example: displacement_11115_20140101_20260101.tif

Create a Short Wavelength Velocity GeoTIFF

The create_measurement_geotiff CLI command can be used to generate a short wavelength velocity geotiff for a given OPERA frame:

create_measurement_geotiff 11115 velocity 20140101 20260101

Where 11115 is OPERA frame id of the granule stack in CMR, and 20140101/20260101 specify the start/end of the secondary date search range in format %Y%m%d.

The velocity will be calculated from the minimum set of granules needed to span the temporal search range.

The resulting products have the name format: velocity_{frame id}_{start date}_{end_date}.tif For example: velocity_11115_20140101_20260101.tif

Create a Tile Map

The create_tile_map CLI command generates a directory with small.png tiles from a s3 bucket with a list of rasters in a common projection, following the OSGeo Tile Map Service Specification, using gdal2tiles:

To create a tile map from a set of displacement GeoTIFFs:

create_tile_map displacement --bucket myBucket --bucket-prefix myPrefix

This will look for all .tif files in s3://myBucket/myPrefix/ and use them to make the tile map.

A simple web page with a viewer based on OpenLayers is included to visualize the map in a browser, e.g. tiles/openlayers.html.

The output directory can be copied to a public AWS S3 bucket (or any other web server) to access the map tiles over the internet:

aws s3 cp tiles/ s3://myBucket/tiles/ --recursive

The online map can then be reviewed in a browser, e.g.


The OPERA-DISP-TMS package is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2 license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Code of conduct

We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive community for all contributors. As such, all contributors to this project are expected to adhere to our code of conduct.

Please see for the full code of conduct text.