A Dockerized Splunk Project
git clone https://github.com/aucr/splunk_docker
cd splunk_docker
sudo bash install.sh
Install docker
Install docker-compose
Make required directory's
sudo mkdir /opt/ && sudo mkdir /opt/splunk/ && sudo mkdir /opt/splunk/etc && sudo mkdir /opt/splunk/var && sudo mkdir /opt/splunk/plugins
Modify app_info.txt and comment out which plugins you want to disable. To enable a plugin simply remove the #.
To import from a file import the .tgz file into the plugins directory.
cp plugins/*.tgz /opt/splunk/plugins
Customize splunk.env for your needs
Setup permissions on the splunk directories
sudo chown -R $USER:docker /opt/splunk/
Start container services with docker-compose
sudo docker-compose up -d
cd ~
cd splunk_docker
sudo docker-compose logs -f