This is a Pastebin clone implemented using the Flask library with Python 3.7, and Vue.JS on the backend.
- Account Creation, Editing, Deletion
- Paste Submission, Editing, Deletion, Collaboration (although collaboration will be a while), Expiration, Protection (passwords, encryption)
-Bootstrap 4 using Creative Tim's BlackDashboard (
-Nucleo Icon Pack
-Flask w/ Flask-Restful + Flask-SqlAlchemy + Flask-Wtforms + Wtforms-Json + Flask-JWT-Extended
If I ever get around to it, I'm probably going to migrate off JWTs and just use regular session
cookies for authentication. The JWT stuff in here is a mess, and while it may just be my
own follies with implementing them, I really think now that JWTs are just a terrible idea
for authentication/sessions. Especially after reading this.
And from what I've seen a lot of other people are starting to agree that JWTs are terrible
and cookies should just be used as well.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report