No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Changes to
Any changes to Miscellanous Documents
It is a feature or limitation of the application implementation, not a bug
Currently cannot be reliably replicated
Update to Personal Portfolio Pages
High Priority Tasks - Clear First!
this issue can be replicated
almost unusable for most users should have this label.
A flaw that is unlikely to affect normal operations of the product.
A flaw that causes occasional inconvenience to some users but they can continue to use the product.
Only cosmetic problems should have this label
Advanced Features that we plan to implement in the upcoming versions
Basic Features to implement for v1.1
An enhancement to an existing story
A big feature which can be broken down into smaller stories e.g. search
Related to project website
Something that needs to be done, but not a story, bug, or an epic.
You can’t perform that action at this time.