Note: In this project I have been used MAVEN, Spring 5 , Angular JS, Jooq (Object Oriented Querying) and HikariCP connection pool.
To Run This program you will need to download H2 Database Engine on your macheine and yarn tool
- If you did't alredy have H2 installed, download H2 from
- After Install the H2 tool, In windows search bar type h2 console the click it, It will open new tab in your default browser.
- Create new folder with name database inside D:/ Driver because we will create DB Schema inside it in the next step.
- In Saved Settings: Choose *Generic H2 (Server), Set JDBC URL: (jdbc:h2:file:D:/database/Courier) becaus I used it in my boom.xml configuration and in src\main\resources\
- Leave User Name: as it is with sa value.
- Click connect button it will open another page to write your queries
- Find queries for create tavles and data from link download queries.
- Copy all queries and paste it inside the H2 tool the click Run button.
- Now our database is ready.
- To install yarn tool Click here.
- In windows search bar type cmd then click enter, Then and type command:npm install -g yarn in your terminal, See the command in there website.
- Make sure it is installed using this command:yarn --version.
- Go to the path /COURIER/src/main/webapp inside project then run yarn init command to starting a new project.
- Add all dependencies and packages using yarn add [package] command or yarn add [package]@[version] command for specific version.
- Add the following packages:
- angular version 1.7.2 using command yarn add [email protected]
- @uirouter/angularjs version 1.0.20 using command yarn add @uirouter/[email protected]
- angular-material version 1.1.10
- angular-resource version 1.7.5
- angular-route version 1.7.2
- bootstrap version 4.1.3
- bootstrap-toggle version 2.2.2
- jquery version 3.3.1
I added jetty server inside bom.xml to run the web application, But we need a command to run this server, So we will configure it inside intellij idea IDE in below steps.
- From IntelliJ, Clcik on Run button > Edit Configuration.
- Click Add New Configuration (the plus sign).
- Choose Maven.
- Name it Jetty run (or whatever you like).
- Choose the appropriate working directory it will be filled by default.
- In Command line, enter jetty:run.
- Click Apply and OK
- Click the Runners menu then choose your Runner and click run button
-- Our project is ready to run
NOTE: Disconnect the H2 from your database because if you don't it will cause an error when you run your application from intellij idea IDE because can't connect to the database from two different places at same time, This happend because we used embedded H2 database