Optimal Motion Planning package in Python
Kris Hauser
- Python 2.X
- Numpy/Scipy
- PyOpenGL
- Matplotlib (optional)
"python main.py [-v] [PROBLEM] [PLANNER]"
where -v is an optional flag to show the planner in a GUI. If not specified, the planner is run 10 times on the given problem and stats are saved to disk. You can also name multiple planners.
[PLANNER] can be any of
- "r-rrt"
- "r-est"
- "r-rrt-prune"
- "r-est-prune"
- "ao-rrt"
- "ao-est"
- "stable-sparse-rrt"
- "sst*"
- "all": run all planners You may also add keyword arguments to change parameters of the planner, e.g. "r-rrt(numControlSamples=1)".
[PROBLEM] can be any of:
- "Bugtrap"
- "Kink"
- "Pendulum"
- "Dubins"
- "Dubins2"
- "DoubleIntegrator"
- "Flappy"
Visualization controls:
- 'p' will do 1000 iterations of planning
- ' ' will do a single iteration.
- 'm' will start saving frames to disk every 100 iterations of planning, which can be later turned into a movie.
Once data has been saved to disk, you can run:
"python processresults.py [folder]"
to generate a csv file summarizing all of the results for a single problem. If you have matplotlib, you can then view the results using
"python viewsummary [file]"