A personal and modular NeoVim config using Lua, lazy.nvim, and mason.
- Neovim 8.0 or above
- A Nerd font of your choice to display icons (I used JetBrains NerdFont)
- Node, Python3, and C compiler for some of the LSP's
├── ...
├── nvim/
│ ├── init.lua # Initialization driver for Lua plugins
│ ├── lua/
│ ├── options.lua # Customized defualts for vim interface
│ ├── plugins/
│ ├── completions.lua # Handles auto-completion and snippets based on installed LSP
│ ├── dracula-soft.lua # Colorscheme
│ ├── lsp-config.lua # Installed LSP along with package manager
│ ├── lualine.lua # Updated vim display via lua-line config
│ ├── neotree.lua # Modern file tree plugin
│ ├── none-ls.lua # Handles formatting and diagnostics given LSP
│ ├── telescope.lua # Integrates file searching system using GREP
│ └── treesitter.lua # Ensures highlighting and indentation based on LSP
└── ...
- Ensure all prerequisites are met
- Clone/Download the repo and name it nvim
- Load an nvim file to load
This project is licensed under the [License Name] - see the LICENSE.md file for details.