Pulls your site's recent Disqus comments.
This class should work on any server running PHP v5+. Simple create a new comment object like so:
$disqus = new RecentComments('[forum_name]', '[publikc_key]');
Now you have a comment object using the default options. Use the getComments functions to display your comments like so:
Alternatively you can pass an array to the contructor that will overwrite the default options like so:
$options= array("cache"=>false,"commentLimit"=>50);
$disqus = new RecentComments('[FORUM_NAME]', '[PUBLIC_KEY]', $options);
The options that are avaialable are described below.
Note: If you are looking for the older version of this code please review the version 1.0 branch.
- cache: A boolean value that decides if a cache file should be used. The cache file will automaticly be created if one does not exist.
- cacheFile: A string of the cache file's path. By default the cacheFile is created in the same directory as the class file with the name recent_comments.cache.
- cacheTime: A number which is the amount of time in minutes a cache file should be used. The default is 3 minutes.
- commentLimit: Max amount of recent comments you want to fetch.
- filterUsers: A comma delimited list of author names whose comments you do not want to show in the recent comment list. No spaces before or after the commas. $filterUsers = "One Name,Two Name" not $filterUsers = "One Name, SpaceBefore Name". Note: Author names are different from usernames in Disqus. The author name is what shows up when someone makes a comment.
- filterLimit: If filterUsers is used this is the numer of comments we ask the Disqus API to send back. By default the number zero is 3 times your comment limit
- dateFormat: Format you want to use for comment post dates. Check php manual for formatting options.
- useRelativeTime: If set to true the script will ignore the dateFormat parameter and use relative times like "one hour ago"
- commentLength: Max character count of comments
You can define the output for each comment by setting a template. A template is just a string of HTML and brackets around specific keywords in all caps. The example below would set a template that shows only the author name and avatar for each comment.
$disqus = new RecentComments('[forum_name]', '[publikc_key]');
$strTemplate = '<div class="commentWrap"><span>{AUTHOR_NAME}</span><br/><img src="{AUTHOR_AVATAR}" alt="{AUTHOR_NAME}" /></div>';
The keywords available for the template function are:
- AUTHOR_NAME: The commenter's name.
- AUTHOR_PROFILE: The URL to the commenter's profile.
- AUTHOR_AVATAR: The URL the to commenter's avatar.
- MESSAGE: The actualy comment.
- THREAD_TITLE: The title of the thread the comment belongs to.
- THREAD_LINK: The URL to the thread.
- COMMENT_ID: The ID of the comment.
- POST_TIME: The time the comment was posted.
- ALTER: The value of this keyword will alternate between being the string alter or a blank string.