In order to run the solution locally, you first need to make sure to meet the following requirements:
- Java 11
- Maven 3.x
- Spark 3.5.x
to download the IMDB Datasets required for the project
The datasets consist of three tsv files:
: 13M rows containing actor id, actors names and movie titlestitle.basics.tsv
: 10M rows containing movie identifier and primary titlestitle.ratings.tsv
: 1M rows containing movie identifier, average ratings and number of votes
From the root folder execute:
mvn package
spark-submit --class org.spark.project.MovieSparkApp ./target/MovieSparkApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [logLevel=< INFO|ERROR|WARN|FINE >]
The Spark Application runs 3 Jobs;
- Calculate Average Number of Votes cast for movie ratings
- Calculate the Top 10 Rated movies according to the following formula
- (numVotes/averageNumberOfVotes) * averageRating
- Calculate the top 10 credited people that feature in the top 10 rated titles