This is public repository for Selenium July 2022 Learners at TestLeaf.
- How Java works?
- Introduction to Class, Members of Class - Methods, Variables
- Get started with Primitive Data Types
- Declaration and assignment variables
- Operators (Arithmetic and Comparison)
- Anatomy of if, if-else statements
- Anatomy of loops - for
- Get started with Arrays
- Introduction to String class and its methods
- Solving basic String and Array Problems
- How Selenium Works Internally?
- Basic code to launch browser, load URL, Set timeouts and Maximize browser
- 8 old locators and its strategy of when to use and when not to use
- Browser Methods like get, findElement(s), close, manage, getTitle etc
- WebElement Methods like clear, sendKeys, click, getText, getAttibute etc
- Exceptions - NoSuchElement etc
- How to handle dropdowns, checkbox, radiobutton, web table / calendar etc?
- XPath build syntax and patters - Absolute, Relative (Attribute, Text) with Exact and Partial matches
- XPath Patterns - Axes, Collection based indices
- Implicit and Thread.sleep
- Webdriver Snapshot methods for visible area and webelement - Base64 and File
- Assignments Review
- Java OOPS pillars
- Abstraction - Java Concept, Real time example and Selenium Implementation
- Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation
- Java Collection - List, Set, Map
- Problem Solving - Duplicate values in array, Unique characters in String, Count of characters and Two Sum
- Assignment Review
- SwitchTo - TargetLocator
- Alert - accept, dismiss, getText, sendKeys, Exceptions
- Frame - method overloading (int,String, WebElement), Exception
- DefaultContent - Switch back from frame
- Window - getWindowHandles, getWindowHandle, Exception
- Switch to Window Options - Set to List
- close vs quit
- Actions class methods - dragAndDrop, dragAndDropBy, moveToElement, perform
- WebDriverWait, Expectedconditions, TimeOutExceptions
- Other Actions class - clickAndHold, keyDown, release
- Exception Handling - try/catch, throw, throws, finally
- TestNG Basics
- Annotations and its hierarchy
- TestNg XML design
- Convert existing plain testcases to TestNg implementation
- @Test Annotation and its attributes
- Dependency Injection
- Test Report using TestNg
- Parameterization - @Parameter and @DataProvider
- Read Excel using Apache POI Java API
- Integrate excel data automation with TestNg (Apache POI + Data Provider)
- Build OOPS concepts into TestNg implementation
- Run sequential, parallel - with logs and reports
- Listeners - ITest and Retry Implementations
- Cucumber and BDD, TDD Basics
- Create Feature File with simple scenario
- Cucumber - Gherkin Keywords
- Integration with Step Definitions
- Scenario Outline with Examples and with Background
- CucumberOptions - Glue, Features, Publish, Hooks
- Create Runner File with TestNG
- Cucumber Hooks and Java OOPS integration
- Convert existing TestNg testcases to BDD implemntation
- Run Feature files from TestNg XML
- Organized the code base as pages
- Page Object Model design rules
- Pattern Object model - Page Inheritance
- Build Page Classes (without Page Factory)
- Build DataProvider utility classes
- Build the testcases as runner classes
- Design the TestNg XML with verbose
- Debug and execute the testcases for different data
- ThreadLocal Implementation for Driver, Reports