A Simple To-Do List stored on the Browser's Local Storage
The Project consists of an HTML Interface, CSS Stylesheet, and a Script with 5 Functions:
- get_todos: The Function's role is to Retrieve To-Do Values stored on the local storage.
- add: When triggered with a Button Click, it adds entered inputs into the Local Storage.
- clearDefault: It's role is to Clears any input from the INPUT Box after the process is over.
- remove: It removes the selected item to be deleted.
- show: It's role is to Display the Current TO-DO list stored inside the DOM then display items along with associated Remove Buttons.
The Code implementation can be found on CodePen.io [https://codepen.io/abbbas_alhashimi/pen/VwpRJrZ] Please feel free to reach me out via LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/in/abbas-fadhil-ab53ba82/] Kind regards