I am a senior, pursuing a BS in Information Technology . I'm currently learning technologies and trying to contribute more to open source and help the community 🥑.
📝 I write articles on Hashnode
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
20 Oct 2022
Hello beautiful people! It's been a long time since I wrote a blog. I hope you all doing great. So, I am writing this blog to share my experience to you on my first Hacktoberfest ✨ I hope you enjoy it! 😊 🌐 What is Hacktoberfest is all about?
The m...
20 July 2022
Networking models are needed, especially if you want to learn DevOps. However, the fundamentals of networking are always skipped for the reason that they are going straight towards DevOps tools like Docker and Jenkins. We don't need to dive fully int...
Pushing yourself to join communities
6 July 2022 | Updated: 8 July 2022
Getting Out of the Comfort Zone
Getting out of our comfort zones will most likely be the most difficult challenge we will face. It's easy to say, but in reality it's like getting blood from a stone. You are wondering why on earth do we need to get o...
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