Caption generation is a challenging artificial intelligence problem where a textual description must be generated for a given photograph. My project is inspired from Andrej Karpathy famous blogpost The Unreasonable effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks.
I have used Flickr8k dataset for this project. It contains around 8091 images and 5 captions for each image (5 * 8091 = 40455 captions)
Dataset Source: KAGGLE LINK
Model Evaluation Matrix
BLEU metric is an evaluation matrix that compares a generater sentence with a reference sentence. It compares n-grams (1-gram means one word) and a perfect match and a perfect mismatch results in a score of 1.0 and 0.0 respectively.
We create a new dataframe called as dfword to visualize distribution of the words. It contains each word and its frequency in the entire tokens in decreasing order.
Then we find the top 50 most and least frequently appearing words. Here, I found that the stopwords (like a, the) and punctuations are most occuring, we have to remove these from our dataset in order to clean it. I have implemented 3 functions to clean the captions:
- remove_punctuation(text)
- remove_single_character(text)
- remove_numeric(text)
Now we'll be adding start and end tokens in every caption ('startseq ' & ' endseq')
We will be using pre-trained network VGG16.
Model Source: GITHUB LINK
VGG16 model takes input image of size (224, 224, 3) process it with DEEP CNN layers and output a tensor of shape (?, 1000) i.e. 1000 classes We have removed the last layer from the network as we only want the features (?, 4096).
After this we'll reshape our images to (224, 224, 3) and feed it to the model to get features respective to each image.
Tokenizer We'll now convert our captions into tokens eg (startseq = 1, endseq = 2 etc.) and store these into an array.
Splitting the dataset We'll split the dataset (all 3 datasets i.e. captions_data, images_data and filenames_data) in ratio of 0.6 : 0.2 : 0.2 (train:valid:test) For the captions_data we have to do the padding since not all token_arrays are of same length, so we take the maximum length and do padding for other token_arrays.
- The input to the model will be image-features of shape 4096.
- First we got 256 unit outputs from images using Dense layer and we used the Embedding and LSTM layer to get 256 unit output from captions.
- It uses Categorical cross entropy loss function & adam optimizer.
- Then we train the model with our dataset.
We have used tkinter library and PIL (Python Image Library) to make a GUI with Upload button to upload the images and Classify Image button to get generated caption.