I am a final year Informatics student at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta. My interests lie in Web Development, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning. In Web Development, I specialise in Front-end using React.js. In some projects I have worked on, I used PHP for both sides. In addition, I am currently studying Data Analytics and Machine Learning from various sources as well as through Bangkit Academy 2023, where I graduated as a distinction. I have also obtained TensorFlow Developer Certification and Associate Data Scientist certification from LSP Informatika
💼 For work experience, I served as a Front-End Developer at a software house called StepUpProject, specializing in React.js. Additionally, I've completed various personal and freelance projects, handling both Front-End and Back-End development (utilizing PHP)
🤝 I'm open to collaborate on stunning Software Development and Web-Based Projects. Check out my web profile and portfolio at abdanulikhlas.github.io . (Still in the development stage)
📫 Feel free to reach out at [email protected] to discuss ideas, opportunities, or simply to say hello!