Index repository for all my projects at the 42 school of Codam.
Name | Description |
Libft | This project is your very first project as a student at 42. You will need to recode a few functions of the C standard library and other utility functions you will use during your whole corses. |
Name | Description |
get_next_line | Simple function to continuously read and return the next line from a file |
ft_printf | Recode printf |
Born2beroot | This project aims to introduce to the wonderful world of virtualization |
Name | Description |
fract-ol | This project is about creating graphically beautiful fractals |
pipex | This project is about discovering in detail a UNIX mechanism |
push_swap | Sort a stack, only using a limited set of instructions |
Name | Description |
minishell | Creating our own mini-bash |
philosophers | The dining philosophers problem, done in C, using mutexes, threads, semaphores and fork()s |
Name | Description |
minRT | The wonderous world of raytracing |
net practice | NetPractice is a general practical exercise to let you discover networking |
CPP piscine | Small exercises to learn C++ |
Name | Description |
webserv | Creating our own RFC-compliant HTTP webserver |
inception | This project is about system administration using Docker. |
Name | Description |
ft_transcendence | Building a fully-fledged website for pong contests, including friends, guilds, ELO and more, in React and Typescript |
Name | Description |
libasm | Getting familiar with assembly language. |
md_5 | Recoding md5 and sha256 algoright from scrach |
Name | Description |
linear_regression | implementation of linear regression from scratch. |