- Run curve_gui.
- Select type of curve to draw: Bezier, Ferguson, B-Spline
- Based on selection, specify order and/or other parameters if required.
- Press the Draw button
- Select control points and press enter For Ferguson curve, continuity type and tangent vectors need to be specified in the 'Continuity and Tangents' dialog box.
- Left-click and drag any point to move it, right-click on the point to delete.
- Click anywhere to add points
- To construct Composite Bezier Curve, tick the checkbox (at the right) and specify the parameters in the dialog box, then select the last point.
- For Ferguson curve, press Modify Tangent to change the values of the tangent vector.
- Change the choice of knots and Hit 'update(knots/order)' button.
- Change the choice of order after step 4 and Hit 'update(knots/order)'.
- Convex Hull (Both Local and Global) can be seen by selecting the corresponding check box.
- Control Polyline can be turned on or off (ctrl points are still present).
- Axis Limits can be edited using the boxes at the bottom.
NOTE: Reset Button closes and restarts the entire application