Simple CRUD application to add new features to an existing app.
This project was built with the Django framework, for a full list of libraries/packages, please see requirements files for details.
The project can be set up by:
- Installing PostgreSQL
$ [sudo] brew install postgresql # Mac OS
$ [sudo] apt-get install postgresql-9.3 postgresql-server-dev-9.3 libpq-dev # Ubuntu/Debian
- Installing pip
- Creating a new virtualenv
with pip and cloning this project into that environment
$ virtualenv feature_plus
$ cd feature_plus
$ source bin/activate
$ git clone [Clone]("click to clone")
- Installing requirements
$ cd feature_plus
$ [sudo] pip install -r requirements/local.txt
- Exporting environment variables (the environment variables file will be E-mailed to you)
$ source .env
- Setting up the Database via the postgres user (from the terminal, type)
$ psql -d postgres < db_init.sql
- Setting up the app (i.e. creating tables)
$ ./ migrate
- Launching the Django development server
$ ./ runserver [port] # optionally specify a port, default is 8000
Type the address in a browser http://localhost:8000/features/ (then replace 8000 with the port you specified if you used a custom port)
- Adding a Feature: Use the form to add new features
- Editing a Feature: Click on the feature's name to edit the feature
- Deleting a Feature: Click on the Delete link beside each feature
You can execute the tests for this project by running
$ ./ test
Code coverage is available (for app
only) by running
$ ./manage test_coverage app