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Distributed ECommerce App

This project is a .NET Core API for simulate real-life e-commerce system.


  • Commerce.Service: Microservice that contains product-category-coupon-comment structures across e-commerce in our main application and where we initiate the payment process.
  • Email.Service: Microservice that creates HTML content specific to Email Type at runtime using Reflection and is responsible for sending it.
  • Identity.Service: Microservice responsible for authentication operations such as logging into the system, registering, and forgetting my password.
  • Invoice.Service: Microservice responsible for creating a record with information about the payment to MongoDb in case of each payment.
  • Payment.Service: FMicroservice responsible for publishing the response returned from the bank service connected to the Bank ID sent using the factory Design pattern as an event.
  • Stock.Service: Microservice that allows stock information to be kept here when the product is entered in the main application.
  • API.Gateway: A microservice that acts as a Gateway that allows Identity and Commerce services to be routed through a single URL on the Backoffice side.

Service Communication

All Microservices has been used rabbitmq via Masstransit for service communication.

Saga choreography pattern has been used as Event communication pattern.

Running the Project

To run the project, you will need to have Docker installed on your machine.

  1. Navigate to the project directory:


  1. Build and start the Docker containers:

docker-compose up -d

This will start the API and RabbitMQ instances in the background.

API Documentation

You can view the API documentation and test the endpoints using the Swagger UI at http://localhost:8080/swagger.

RabbitMQ Management

You can manage the RabbitMQ instance using the RabbitMQ Management UI at http://localhost:15672. The default credentials are guest:guest.

Consul Management

You can manage the Service Discovery using the Consul UI at http://localhost:8500.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.