Releases: AbdurazaaqMohammed/APKExtractor
Fix filtering, sharing, UI bugs
Add options to extract icon, resources.arsc, classes.dex files, AndroidManifest.xml, base.apk, libs. Option to display each in settings.
Add multiple selection for above features + regular extraction and sharing.
Add option for Choose split from Split APK to extract
Remove unused logging
Fix app name and package name not visible
Show information about signing merged APKs
Improve loading speed
Divide apps into user and system apps
remove unnecessary dependency, reduce size to 0.8MB
Add options on pressing list item: Extract, Launch, Uninstall, Share, (System) App Info. For split apps has option to AntiSplit/merge separate from global toggle.
Add quick extract option to the right of apps in the list
Add option to sort by name, first installed or last updated date
Still pre release because there are some UI bugs, share does not seem to be working properly and there is a bug in filtering (It filters but then after clearing field does not reinstate previous) that I can't figure out
Initial release