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Alpaca is a stand-alone method for identifying mosaic events in microbial genomes.


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Alpaca is a stand-alone method for identifying mosaic events in microbial genomes.

In short, different sub-regions in a microbial genome can possess different evolutionary histories due to horizontal gene transfer and/or genome hybridization. The ancestry for the genetic content in these types of genomes is therefore non-linear.

To investigate non-linear ancestry, Alpaca partitions a given reference genome into bins and computes the sequence similarity of each bin independently across a (population) of target genomes using kmer sets. Mosaic events can thus be identified by placing the similarity scores of each bin in context to the population structure of the target genomes (e.g. neighbouring bins scoring highly to different clades).

Alpaca comes with custom-made visualizations to explore similarity scores in context to the population structure of the target genomes.

More details in our method description here.

How to run

There are two main steps: (1) Partitioning and kmerizing a reference genome and (2) computing similarity to a target genome.

1. Partitioning and kmerizing a reference genome

This can be done by creating an Alpaca database for a given reference genome:

java -jar /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar build-db -r ref.fa
-o /path/to/output/directory/ --prefix alpaca_db

Note that max memory usage can be specified via '-Xmx' command. For example, running the above command with 2g of memory:

java -Xmx2g -jar /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar build-db -r ref.fa
-o /path/to/output/directory/ --prefix alpaca_db


To capture sequence heterozygosity due to multi-ploidy chromosomes, you can provide native read-alignments:

java -Xmx2g -jar /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar build-db -r ref.fa
-o /path/to/output/directory/ --prefix alpaca_db -b ref_alignments.sorted.bam
--genome-size <value>

Alpaca automatically computes a minimum kmer count to avoid erroneous kmers based on total number of aligned bases and the provided approximate genome size in nt. You can provide your own threshold by replacing '--genome-size' with '--min-count'.

Additionally, you can obtain metrics about the database by running the following command:

java -jar /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar db-metrics -a /path/to/alpaca/db/
-o /path/to/output/directory/ --kmer-size <value>

Note that you must provide the size of the kmer used during the database construction (default is 21).

Additional parameters and descriptions can be found in the command-line interface by running the binary.

2. Computing similarity to a target genome

Against a single target genome

You can compare the similarity of all bins in a reference genome independently against their corresponding bins in a target genome by providing the alpaca database of the reference and read-alignments from the target (e.g. Illumina reads aligned to the reference genome):

java -jar /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar genome-similarity -a /path/to/alpaca/db/
-b target_alignments.sorted.bam -g <value>
--prefix target_similarity -o /path/to/output/directory/

Against a population

You can automatically create individual job scripts for comparing the similarity against a population (e.g. large sequencing dataset) by running the following command:

java -jar /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar batch-submit -a /path/to/alpaca/db/
-b /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar -l bam_list.txt -g <value> -o . --memory <value>

The BAM list contains information about population to be compared against. It is a tab-delimited file containing two values in every line: sample ID and path to BAM file.

To run in a cluster scheduler, you can provide a configuration file via '--cluster-config'. Alpaca will create individual job scripts for each comparison using parameters from the configuration file. You simply need to add two strings: "$STDOUT" and "$COMMAND". The former specifies the path for stdout and stderr. The latter specifies the location to insert the alpaca command. For example, if using SLURM, it would look something like this:

#SBATCH --partition=general --qos=short
#SBATCH --mem=4000
#SBATCH --time 1:00:00

set -x


Note that the approximate genome size provided is used for every target. Modify accordingly.

Summarizing results

You can summarize similarities against multiple target genomes (e.g. population) via the following command:

java -jar /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar population-summary
-a /path/to/alpaca/db/ -l similarity_list.txt -o /path/to/output/directory
--prefix summary

The similarity list is a file containing the path to the output of every comparison, one per line.

You can also obtain metrics about the population summary via:

 java -jar /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar population-metrics -p summarized_population.txt
 -o /path/to/output/directory/

How to visualize

Alpaca comes with two custom made visualizations: (1) Alpaca layout and (2) Tree tracing.

Alpaca layout

The alpaca layout figure draws each contig/scaffold/chromosome as a sequence of rectangles each representing a bin. Each bin is then colored by the (proportioned) contribution of a label (e.g. lineage, clade) based on the top samples in that bin.

You can generate this figure via:

java -jar /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar alpaca-layout
-s summarized_population.txt -l labels.txt -o /path/to/output/directory/

The 'summarized_population.txt' is the output when running the 'population-summary' command (see section above). The 'labels.txt' file is tab-delimited file with the following values: sample ID, Hue, Saturation, Lightness, label ID. The last three values describe the assigned color for that sample in HSL code. It's recommended to assign the same HSL code for samples within the same lineage/clade.

Tree tracing

The tree tracing figure traces the path(s) of the top scoring samples in a binary tree:

java -jar /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar tree-tracing
--proportions population_metrics.top_samples.txt
--labels labels.txt
-t tree.nwk
-o /path/to/output/directory/ --prefix <value>

The 'population_metrics.top_samples.txt' is one of the outputs from the summary metrics command (see section above). The 'labels.txt' file is the same as the one provided in the alpaca layout figure. This file is optional but recommended as it provides a more intuitive visualization.

The 'tree.nwk' format is a binary tree explaining the evolutionary relationship/clustering of every genome in the population in Newick format. A phylogenetic tree can be provided as long as it is a binary tree. We recommend using MASH to obtain this tree. We provide automated scripts:

To create individual scripts for constructing sketches:

java -jar /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar mash-sketches -l libraries.txt
--mash-binary /path/to/mash/binary/mash -o /path/to/output/directory/
 --cluster-config slurm_config.txt

The libraries file is a tab-delimited file containing the following values in each line: sample ID, path to forward reads (if paired), path to reverse reads (optionally, if paired)

To perform pairwise distance and format as a distance matrix:

java -jar /path/to/binary/alpaca.jar mash-distances -s all_sketches.txt
-o /path/to/output/directory/ --prefix <value>

The 'all_sketches.txt' file contains the path to each mash sketch, one per line.

The resulting matrix file can be converted to Newick format using R:

distances = as.dist(read.table("<value>.matrix",
clusters = hclust(distances)
my_tree = as.phylo(clusters)
write.tree(phy=my_tree, file="tree.nwk")


Alpaca is a stand-alone method for identifying mosaic events in microbial genomes.







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