Software Engineer Trainee(Part Time) @PcsGlobal | Ex-Full Stack Developer Intern @EY | Ex-Software Developer @CodSoft | 🏆 Smart Bengal Hackathon 2023 | Rank 418🥇Naukri Campus DSA Contest | Competative Programmer | 1⭐ CodeChef | Institute 102🥇 Rank GFG | 4⭐ HackerRank | Problem Solving Enthusiast 🧠| 200+ Problems Solved on DSA | HardCore DSA Enthusiast ❤️ | DSA & DEV
- 🥋 I'm very Passionate About The Software Engineer/SDE/SWE Roles. I'm always ready to learn new things with Effective ideas. Hardcore DSA Enthusiast ❤️.
- 👨💻 Love to learn new technologies and to explore new sets of areas.
- 🎯 Cracked 12+ Internships and 10+ job offers during my 2nd Year.
- 👁🗨 Open Source Contributor
- 🏆 6th at Smart Bengal Hackathon 2023
- 🚀 Passionate About Crafting Efficient Code and Solving Real Life Business Problems.
- 📘 I’m Currently Studying Devops & Cloud
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on OpenSource Projects
- ⚡ For Fun Games, Rosting, Mems, HipHop
Frontend Tools | Backend Tools | Other Softwares |