A client server communication using GRPC Proto structure.
The RPC calls that client can send to retrieve data from server include:
rpc createemployee(Employee) returns(Response);
rpc reademployees(void) returns(Employees);
rpc readconnections(void) returns(AllConnections);
rpc establishconnection(ConnectionRequest) returns(Response);
rpc updatesalary(Employee) returns(Employee);
Implementation of the functions are in server/sender.py and calls are made in client/receiver.py To start with:
pip install grpcio-tools
cd <project_path>
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path ./ --python_out ./ --pyi_out=./ --grpc_python_out=./ emp.proto
- To start the server:
python server\sender.py
- Modify the client accordingly as per wish and start calling RPCs:
python client/receiver.py