Create a function called printSeason
that accepts one argument (has one parameter) called season
Inside the function log the value of the argument.
Call the function and pass in the value "summer` as the argument.
Create a function called printNumbers
that has two parameters, firstNumber
and secondNumber
Inside the function log each value that is passed in.
Call the function and pass in two numbers as the arguments.
Create a function called addNumbers
that has three parameters.
Inside the function add all the paramters and return the result.
Assign the result to a variable and assign the variable to the innerHTML property of the DOM element with the class of total
Create a function called createGreeting
that has one parameter.
Inside the function add the value passed in to the string "Hello, my name is " and return the new string.
Assign the returned value to the innerHTML property of the DOM element with the id of name
Create a function called printListItems
that has one parameter.
Inside the function loop through the value passed in and log each item.
Call the function and pass the sports
array in script.js
in as the argument.
Create a function called createGames
that has one parameter.
Inside the function loop through the value passed in, create HTML for each property in each object and return the HTML.
Provide a default value for the released
property if it is missing.
Assign the return value of the function to the innerHTML property of the DOM element with the class of game-container