ATH Sample is a sample Authentication and Authorization Application with Kotlin Language and MVVM architecture.
ATH Sample is a sample project for Authentication and Authorization in android Application with Shared Preferences and Room Database.
This Project use:
- MVVM Architecture
- Koin Dependency Injection
- Room
- JavaMail Api
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Shared Prefrences
- Crypto Library.
Also when the user Signup into the app, the password is Encrypted and saved into Database. When the user logs out and then logs in again, the password is read from the database and then decrypted for verification. It's better for Security.
For Forgot Password section in this app, There are several things you need to keep in mind:
You must enter an Email that doesn't contain 2-Step Verification.
You must Launch application on Physical device.
Make sure Less secure apps is TURNED ON.
Allow each app to send email. Go to and click on Continue.
For the last step, Enter your Email and Password in the SendEmailApi class in the project.
If you have any ideas or issues, don't hesitate to make contact via the Issues page. Every contribution is welcome. I see every issues and pull requests you made.
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