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06.b ~ Standard Commands
Command: mcdev retrieve [business unit] [metadata type] [metadata key] [--like] [--metadata] [--format] [--no-format]
Alias: mcdev r
Retrieves all metadata from the specified Business Unit. You can limit what types are retrieved by default using the mcdev selectTypes command or by changing the list in the config file directly.
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV
You can omit the Business Unit which will trigger an interactive mode based on your config:
mcdev retrieve
If you already know the credentials name but want to only select the Business Unit interactively try this Example:
mcdev retrieve MyProject
retrieve specific type:
If you want to retrieve only a certain metadata type, let's say script
, then pass this type in as a second parameter. The other types will remain untouched and in place, if you've previously retrieved them.
Similarly, you can pass in multiple comma-separated types but make sure to put them in double quotes to work on all systems.
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV script
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV "script,query,automation"
retrieve specific type and key:
If you wish you may also specify the exact keys that need to be retrieved, filtering down on what's in your retrieve folder even further. Specified keys apply as a filter for all types you specify. If your naming convention does not allow for such an aggregation then please run separate commands for each type.
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV dataExtension "key1"
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV dataExtension "key1,key2"
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV "script,dataExtension,importFile" "key1,key2"
Note: This is not supported by types discovery
and folder
retrieve all BUs:
A special variant of this command allows you to retrieve all Business Units of a given credential at once. Example:
mcdev retrieve MyProject/*
or even
mcdev retrieve "*"
Note: retrieve-all will fail in some CLIs if you do not wrap the asterix (*) in quotes. This is due to the special meaning of * as a parameter in these CLIs.
retrieve specific type and key via --like option:
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV dataExtension --like.key "key1%"
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV asset --like.steps.activities.name "a%o"
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV asset --like.key "key1%" --like.steps.activities.name "a%o"
How does it work? There are two wildcards often used in conjunction with the LIKE operator:
- The percent sign (%) represents zero, one, or multiple characters
- The underscore sign (_) represents one, single character
LIKE Operator | Description |
--like.Name "a%" | Finds any values that start with "a" |
--like.key "%a" | Finds any values that end with "a" |
--like.name "%or%" | Finds any values that have "or" in any position |
--like.CustomerKey "_r%" | Finds any values that have "r" in the second position |
--like.Description "a_%" | Finds any values that start with "a" and are at least 2 characters in length |
--like.customerKey "a__%" | Finds any values that start with "a" and are at least 3 characters in length |
--like.steps.activities.name "a%o" | Finds any values that start with "a" AND ends with "o" |
--like.key "a%,%o" | Finds any values that start with "a" OR ends with "o" |
retrieve specific type and key via --metadata option:
This option is exceptionally flexible because it allows you to specify multiple type-key combos simultaneously. If set, it overrides the type or key you specified the old-fashioned way.
If the respective type features it, you can combine keys, IDs, and names in your selection. If you specify multiple --metadata
parameters (or -m
as an abbreviated version), the keys/ids/names are looked for separately, similar to an OR
-search in SQL.
- how to retrieve all items of metadata-type "dataExtension"
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV --metadata dataExtension
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV -m dataExtension
- how to retrieve items of metadata-type "dataExtension" that have the key "myKey"
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV --metadata dataExtension:myKey
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV --metadata dataExtension:k:myKey
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV --metadata dataExtension:key:myKey
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV -m dataExtension:myKey
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV -m dataExtension:key:myKey
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV -m dataExtension:k:myKey
- how to retrieve items of metadata-type "dataExtension" that have the id "myId"
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV --metadata dataExtension:i:myId
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV --metadata dataExtension:id:myId
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV -m dataExtension:i:myId
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV -m dataExtension:id:myId
- how to retrieve items of metadata-type "dataExtension" that have the name "myName"
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV --metadata dataExtension:n:myName
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV --metadata dataExtension:name:myName
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV -m dataExtension:n:myName
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV -m dataExtension:name:myName
- how to retrieve items of metadata-type "dataExtension" with varies identifies and all scripts (omitting the longer versions here but shall also work):
mcdev retrieve MyProject/DEV -m dataExtension:myKey -m dataExtension:myKey2 -m dataExtension:i:myId -m script
retrieve with --format or --no-format option:
If you need to retrieve code in a raw format you may use mcdev retrieve --no-format
to disable auto-formatting. On the other hand, if options.formatOnSave
is set to false, then mcdev retrieve --format
enables formatting.
Command: mcdev deploy [business unit] [metadata type] [metadata key] [--metadata] [--fromRetrieve] [--refresh] [--keySuffix] [--noMidSuffix] [--changeKeyValue=yourNewKey] [--changeKeyField=otherFieldInJson] [--execute] [--schedule] [--fixShared] [--noUpdate] [--publish] [--skipStatusCheck] [--matchName] [--ignoreFolder] [--skipValidation] [--format] [--no-format] [--ignoreSfFields]
Alias: mcdev d
Deploys metadata to the specified Business Unit. Example:
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV
Only metadata that you copied into the deploy directory will be deployed. Please keep in mind that the folder structure needs to be similar to what the retrieve command creates in the retrieve folder, including the credentials and Business Unit name.
Similarly to mcdev retrieve
you can also use the interactive mode to select credential and/or Business Unit.
deploy sepcific type:
If you want to deploy only a certain metadata type, let's say dataExtension
, then pass this type in as a second parameter. If there are other types in the current BU's deploy folder, these will be ignored and hence not uploaded.
Similarly, you can pass in multiple comma-separated types but make sure to put them in double quotes to work on all systems.
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV "script,dataExtension,importFile"
deploy specific type and key:
If you wish you may also specify the exact keys that need to be deployed, filtering down on what's in your deploy folder even further. Specified keys apply as a filter for all types you specify. If your naming convention does not allow for such an aggregation then please run separate commands for each type.
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension "key1"
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension "key1,key2"
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV "script,dataExtension,importFile" "key1,key2"
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV -m "dataExtension:key1"
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV -m "dataExtension:key1" -m "dataExtension:key2"
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV -m "script:key1" -m "script:key2" -m "dataExtension:key3" -m "dataExtension:key4" -m "importFile:key5" -m "importFile:key6"
deploy from retrieve folder:
Sometimes it's convenient to deploy right from the retrieve folder when you are using mcdev as a developer tool rather than only for deployments to other BUs. For this scenario we added the 4th parameter. In that case, it does not look into deploy/ but into retrieve/ finding what it needs to deploy. Example:
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension "key1" --fromRetrieve
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension "key1,key2" --fromRetrieve
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV "script,dataExtension,importFile" "key1,key2" --fromRetrieve
deploy and change key:
Because of the special nature of the key field (with its various names across the metadata types), it cannot be updated simply by changing the value in the JSON. A deployment would otherwise trigger creating a new entry instead of updating the existing one. To still allow you to change the key value, like you could in the GUI, you have to use the optional parameters --changeKeyValue
or --changeKeyField
In some scenarios, all you want is to append a suffix (e.g. for assets because they share the key across BUs or for shared DataExtensions). For that, we've added --keySuffix
. You can use it stand-alone or together with --changeKeyField
. Be aware that if the maximum key-length is exhausted already, --keySuffix
will automatically cut of the end of your existing key to add the suffix you specified!
Lastly, there is the option --noMidSuffix
which deactivates automatically adding the MID suffix when you try to clone an asset to another BU. If you want to specify your own suffix to prevent the unique-key error during creation, this is your friend. Make sure to use this command together with --keySuffix
or after applying a suffix via templating (buildTemplate
# changeKeyField
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension --changeKeyField=Name
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension key2 --changeKeyField=Name
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension "key2,key3" --changeKeyField=Name
# changeKeyValue
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension key1 --changeKeyValue=key2
# keySuffix
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension --changeKeyField=Name --keySuffix "_DEV"
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension myKey --keySuffix "_DEV"
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension --keySuffix "_DEV"
# noMidSuffix
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV asset--changeKeyField=name --noMidSuffix --keySuffix "_DEV"
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV asset myKey --noMidSuffix --keySuffix "_DEV"
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV asset --noMidSuffix --keySuffix "_DEV"
# noMidSuffix with templating
# - step 1 (create template with market that replaces for "_DEV")
mcdev buildTemplate MyProject/DEV asset myKey_DEV myMarketDEV
# - step 2 (filename stays unchanged after template creation for easier execution of buildDefinition)
mcdev buildDefinition MyProject/PROD asset myKey_DEV myMarketPROD
# - step 3 (key was changed to "myKey_PROD" by buildDefinition applying your prod market)
mcdev deploy MyProject/PROD asset myKey_PROD --noMidSuffix
The first of the 2 commands using --changeKeyField
will deploy all dataExtensions in the deploy folder (optionally limited to the keys you specify) and try to overwrite their respective key with their name. Please ensure you check how that other field is spelled including upper-/lower-cased letters.
The second command uses --changeKeyValue
can only be used if type AND key are specified. You pass along the exact new key value that we want to end up with. Therefore, in this example, your dataExtension with key "key1" will be updated to have the key "key2".
Note: Not every type allows updating the key. Please check our Metadata Type Support page for a full list.
deploy and refresh:
This is a special combination that will only work if you UPDATE an asset
that happens to be an e-mail that is used in a triggeredSend
. In that case, after the asset(s) were updated it will automatically invoke the refresh
command for any triggeredSend
that uses one of the updated e-mails.
mcdev deploy --refresh
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV "asset,dataExtension" "key1,key2" --refresh
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV asset "key1" --fromRetrieve --refresh
deploy & execute:
This special combination will execute/start items after creating or updating them on the server. For Automations, you can choose to execute (runOnce) or schedule it.
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV query --execute
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV query "key1,key2" --execute
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV query "key1" --fromRetrieve --execute
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV automation --schedule
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV automation --execute
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV automation --execute=schedule
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV automation "key1,key2" --execute
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV automation "key1" --fromRetrieve --execute
Currently supported types for deploy & execute:
Name | CLI Argument | Effect |
Automation | automation | Schedules automation according to already existing (but paused) schedule |
Query | query | Starts query execution |
deploy & --fixShared:
If you deploy Shared Data Extensions, mcdev will force you to do that via Parent BU to avoid issues with SFMC APIs. Due to another bug, if one of these shared data extensions is used in an attribute group on a child BU, SFMC fails to update the field information on the attribute group and as a result you cannot select added or renamed fields in places like journey builder.
Example: user will be asked to select which BUs should be checked & potentially fixed
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension --fixShared
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension "key1,key2" --fixShared
Example: user will be asked to select which BUs should be checked & potentially fixed, but the BUs "buName1" and "buName2" are pre-selected
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension "key1" --fixShared="buName1,buName2"
Example: user will be asked to select which BUs should be checked & potentially fixed, but all BUs are pre-selected
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension "key1" --fixShared=*
Example: user will NOT be asked to select BUs; the BUs "buName1" and "buName2" are selected to be checked & potentially fixed
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension "key1,key2" --fixShared="buName1,buName2" --y
mcdev deploy MyProject/DEV dataExtension "key1" --fixShared=* --y
Supported types for deploy & fixShared:
Name | CLI Argument | Effect |
DataExtension | dataExtension |
Triggers update of relevant attribute groups on selected BUs |
deploy all BUs:
A special variant of this command allows you to deploy all Business Units of a given credential at once. Example:
mcdev deploy MyProject/*
or even
mcdev deploy "*"
Note: deploy-all will fail in some CLIs if you do not wrap the asterix (*) in quotes. This is due to the special meaning of * as a parameter in these CLIs.
deploy with --noUpdate
If you want to ensure that your deployment does not override existing metadata but instead is limited to creating new elements, then add the --noUpdate
option to your call.
mcdev deploy cred/bu --noUpdate
deploy with --publish (and --skipStatusCheck)
By adding the --publish flag, you tell deploy
to run mcdev publish
for supported types as a post-deployment step. See publish
method for more details
mcdev deploy cred/bu journey --publish
mcdev deploy cred/bu journey --publish --skipStatusCheck
deploy with --matchName (and --ignoreFolder):
Imagine you want to start using mcdev, but your SFMC instance is already full of content. Most keys won't be readable, and you will eventually run fixKeys
on your DEV business unit to make things easier. Once you revisited what fixKeys did and changed everything according to your new style guide for keys, you will eventually deploy things to another BU. But wait - the keys there are still in the old format, likely all different from what you had on DEV because you deployed things manually or via Package Manager. That would be a lot of work AGAIN to fix - deploy --matchName
to the rescue!
Currently supported types for --matchName:
Name | CLI Argument |
Asset | asset |
Data Extension | dataExtension |
If it fails to find the same key, it will try to find a match by comparing the subtype, name, and folder. If there is ONE match, then it will assume it found what you need to override and update the asset's config and key with what you are trying to deploy. If it finds more than one match for name & subtype, it will throw an error. If it finds one match but the folder differs, it will also throw an error. The error message will contain more details, allowing you to manually debug the situation before rerunning your deploy command.
If running --matchName returns many single matches but the found items reside in a different folder, using --ignoreFolder lets you still override these items automatically, easing your cleanup job. So far this is supported for dataExtensions only.
Situation A: More than one match for name & type:
Look at all keys provided, search your BU folder for those keys to find out which ones are actually used, and delete the other ones. Be aware that you might not see references if you used ContentBlockByName or ContentBlockById!
Situation B: One match, but the folder is different
Look at the found asset and compare it to the one you are trying to deploy. If it is the right match, update the folder to the value from your deployment package in your local file and deploy that one. Then, re-run your original deployment.
mcdev deploy cred/bu --matchName
mcdev deploy cred/bu -m asset:key1 asset:key2 asset:key3 --matchName
deploy with --format or --no-format option:
After deploying, the deployed item gets saved in the respective retrieve folder. If you need to retrieve code in a raw format you may use mcdev deploy --no-format
to disable auto-formatting. On the other hand, if options.formatOnSave
is set to false, then mcdev deploy --format
enables formatting.
deploy with --ignoreSfFields:
When deploying Salesforce-triggered journeys you might encounter false positives regarding missing fields for a Salesforce object. In these cases, the option --ignoreSfFields allows you to reduce the error to a warning and deploy it.
Command: mcdev delete <business unit> [type] [external key] [--metadata]
Alias: mcdev del
This function deletes the selected metadata from your server. It needs to be run with care, as any data stored in the deleted metadata will be lost.
Currently supported types: Metadata Type Support
mcdev delete MyProject/_ParentBU_ dataExtension MyUserTable
You can also delete multiple keys at once, even across types:
mcdev delete MyProject/_ParentBU_ -m dataExtension:MyUserTable -m query:myKey -m query:myKey2
mcdev delete MyProject/_ParentBU_ dataExtensionField MyUserTable.MyFieldName
Journeys are somewhat special because they are the only metadata type in SFMC with versions stored in the platform itself. Therefore, when deleting a journey, you need to specify what version you want to delete—or if you want to delete the journey with all its versions. You achieve that by appending "/3" for deleting version 3 or "/*" for deleting all versions. You can even provide the journey ID instead of the key. In the first example below, we are trying to delete version 4 of ID "5cfb1bcb-9cb7-42c9-81de-033943bbc18c".
mcdev del MyProject/_ParentBU_ journey id:%235cfb1bcb-9cb7-42c9-81de-033943bbc18c/4
mcdev del MyProject/_ParentBU_ journey id:5cfb1bcb-9cb7-42c9-81de-033943bbc18c/4
mcdev del MyProject/_ParentBU_ -m journey:id:5cfb1bcb-9cb7-42c9-81de-033943bbc18c/4
mcdev del MyProject/_ParentBU_ -m journey:myJourneyKey/4
mcdev del MyProject/_ParentBU_ -m journey:myJourneyKey/*
Note for nerds: When copying the ID from the URL, you might notice it's prefixed with "%23". If you copy that with the Id,
mcdev del
will automatically filter it for you. It, therefore, works with or without the leading "%23".
Command: mcdev refresh <business unit> [type] [external key] [--metadata]
Alias: mcdev re
This command lets you refresh emails in journeys and triggeredSends to ensure that updates made to the email or loaded content blocks get reflected when the emails are send out. This is only relevant is your journey is already "running" / your triggeredSend is "active".
If you do not specify keys, for triggeredSend, it will refresh all running ("Active") triggered sends on the given BU. It will also check if all dependencies for that triggered send are available to ensure it can be published & restarted after it was paused. However, if you made changes to the email that caused issues, you might still get an error, which prevents you from restarting it.
Currently supported types:
Name | CLI Argument | Effect |
Triggered Send | triggeredSend |
Refreshes emails in active triggeredSends and, thereby, any emails in Journeys. |
Journey | journey |
Refreshes emails in multi-step journeys (by refreshing associated triggered sends) and transactional send journeys. |
Refreshing a multi-step journey will not be reflected in the journey's 'json. However, if you refresh a transactional send journey, it will affect the last modified date.
mcdev refresh MyProject/_ParentBU_ -m triggeredSend
mcdev refresh MyProject/_ParentBU_ -m triggeredSend:myTsKey
mcdev refresh MyProject/_ParentBU_ -m journey:key1 journey:key2
Command: mcdev validate <business unit> [metadata type] [metadata key] [--like] [--metadata]
Alias: n/a
Currently supported types:
Name | CLI Argument | Effect |
Journey | journey |
Validates a Draft-version of a journey |
You can validate a draft journey using this command, without having to actually publish it. This is the same as clicking on the Validate-button in the web interface.
mcdev validate cred/bu journey myJourneyKey
mcdev validate cred/bu journey id:myJourneyId
mcdev validate cred/bu -m journey:myJourneyKey -m journey:id:myJourneyId
Command: mcdev publish <business unit> [metadata type] [metadata key] [--like] [--skipStatusCheck] [--metadata]
Alias: mcdev activate
Currently supported types:
Name | CLI Argument | Effect |
Journey | journey |
Activates a Draft-version of a journey (creates related transactionalEmail or event record) |
You can publish a draft journey using this command. This is the same as clicking on Publish in the web interface. If you don't care about the publishing result, you can skip that check (it might be useful in CI/CD environments). Generally, we recommend against using—-skipStatusCheck because it happens often that something is blocking the publishing, and without that check, you would not know about the problem.
mcdev publish cred/bu journey myJourneyKey
mcdev publish cred/bu journey id:myJourneyId
mcdev publish cred/bu -m journey:myJourneyKey -m journey:id:myJourneyId
mcdev publish cred/bu journey myJourneyKey --skipStatusCheck
Command: mcdev execute <business unit> [type] [key] [--like] [--schedule] [--metadata]
Alias: mcdev exec
/ mcdev start
/ mcdev resume
This command lets you start / run / execute metadata of a given type and key.
Currently supported types:
Name | CLI Argument | Effect |
Automation | automation |
RunOnce or Schedules automation according to already existing schedule |
Query | query |
Starts query execution |
Journey | journey |
Resumes a paused journey |
mcdev execute MyProject/DEV automation key1
mcdev execute MyProject/DEV automation "key1,key2,key3"
mcdev execute MyProject/DEV query keyA
mcdev execute MyProject/DEV query "keyB,keyC,keyD"
mcdev execute MyProject/DEV -m automation:key1 -m automation:key2 -m query:keyA
mcdev execute MyProject/DEV -m automation:key1 automation:key2 query:keyB
execute with --like operator:
mcdev execute MyProject/DEV automation --like.key "myprefix_%"
mcdev execute MyProject/DEV query --like.key "myprefix_%" --like.r__folder_Path "Query/Testing%"
execute with --schedule operator:
Instead of running an automation once, you can also start it with it's schedule
mcdev execute MyProject/DEV automation key1 --schedule
execute on all BUs:
This is a variation of execute command that allows you to execute specified items on all BUs. mcdev will look for the items of specified types and keys on all BUs and execute them.
mcdev execute MyProject/* query key1
mcdev execute MyProject/* automation "key1,key2"
mcdev execute MyProject/* query "key1,key2,key3"
Command: mcdev schedule <business unit> [type] [key] [--like] [--metadata]
Alias: mcdev sched
This command is a shortcut for mcdev execute --schedule
Currently supported types:
Name | CLI Argument | Effect |
Automation | automation | Schedules automation according to already existing (but paused) schedule |
mcdev schedule MyProject/DEV automation key1
mcdev schedule MyProject/DEV automation "key1,key2,key3"
mcdev schedule MyProject/DEV -m automation:key1 -m automation:key2
mcdev schedule MyProject/DEV -m automation:key1 automation:key2
schedule with --like operator:
mcdev schedule MyProject/DEV automation --like.key "myprefix_%"
schedule on all BUs:
This is a variation of execute command that allows you to execute specified items on all BUs. mcdev will look for the items of specified types and keys on all BUs and execute them.
mcdev schedule MyProject/* automation key1
mcdev schedule MyProject/* automation "key1,key2"
Command: mcdev pause <business unit> [type] [key] [--like] [--metadata]
Alias: mcdev p
This command lets you pause metadata of a given type and key.
Currently supported types:
Name | CLI Argument | Effect |
Automation | automation |
pauses scheduled automation |
Journey | journey |
pauses running journey |
mcdev pause MyProject/DEV automation key1
mcdev pause MyProject/DEV journey key3
mcdev pause MyProject/DEV journey key3/4
mcdev pause MyProject/DEV journey key3/*
mcdev pause MyProject/DEV automation "key1,key2,key3"
mcdev pause MyProject/DEV -m automation:key1 -m automation:key2
mcdev pause MyProject/DEV -m automation:key1 automation:key2 journey:key3
For journeys
you can choose to specify a specific version to pause by appending "/4" (to pause version 4) or all versions by appending "/*". If you do not append a version, mcdev will attempt to pause the latest version.
pause with --like operator:
mcdev pause MyProject/DEV automation --like.key "myprefix_%"
mcdev pause MyProject/DEV automation --like.key "myprefix_%" --like.r__folder_Path "Query/Testing%"
pause on all BUs:
This is a variation of the pause command that allows you to pause specified items on all BUs. mcdev will look for the items of specified types and keys on all BUs and pause them.
mcdev pause MyProject/* automation key1
mcdev pause MyProject/* automation "key1,key2,key3"
Command: mcdev stop <business unit> [type] [key] [--like] [--metadata]
Alias: -
This command lets you stop metadata of a given type and key.
Currently supported types:
Name | CLI Argument | Effect |
Journey | journey |
stops running journey |
For journeys
, you can specify a specific version to stop by appending "/4" (to stop version 4). If you do not append a version, mcdev will attempt to stop the latest version. Alternatively, you can stop all versions by appending "/*".
Example (stopping highest version):
mcdev stop MyProject/DEV -m journey:keyA journey:keyB journey:keyC
Example (stopping specific version):
mcdev stop MyProject/DEV -m journey:keyA/3 journey:keyB/2
Example (stopping all versions):
mcdev stop MyProject/DEV -m journey:keyC/*
stop with --like operator:
Instead of specifying a key, you can use the --like option to find your target. This is equal to not specifying a version and will default to the highest version.
mcdev stop MyProject/DEV -m journey --like.key "myprefix_%"
mcdev stop MyProject/DEV -m journey --like.key "myprefix_%" --like.r__folder_Path "my Journeys/Testing%"
stop on all BUs:
This variation of the stop command allows you to stop specified items on all BUs. mcdev will look for the items of defined types and keys on all BUs and stop them.
mcdev stop MyProject/* -m journey:keyA journey:keyB
mcdev stop MyProject/* -m journey:keyA/2 journey:keyB/3
mcdev stop MyProject/* -m journey:keyA/* journey:keyB/*
Command: mcdev fixKeys <business unit> [type] [key] [--metadata] [--like] [--execute] [--schedule]
Alias: mcdev fx
Retrieves specified metadata to ensure it works on the latest server version, prepares the update locally to ensure the key matches the name, and redeploys the metadata.
mcdev fixKeys MyProject/DEV
mcdev fixKeys MyProject/DEV dataExtension
mcdev fixKeys MyProject/DEV query
mcdev fixKeys MyProject/DEV "dataExtension,query"
mcdev fixKeys MyProject/DEV -m dataExtension -m query
mcdev fixKeys MyProject/DEV -m query:key1
mcdev fixKeys * query "key1,key2"
mcdev fixKeys * query "key1,key2" --execute
mcdev fixKeys MyProject/DEV automation
mcdev fixKeys MyProject/DEV automation --execute
mcdev fixKeys MyProject/* automation --like.name="foobar%"
mcdev fixKeys MyProject/* automation --like.name="foobar%" --schedule
Please, note that you might need to retrieve dependent metadata to have up-to-date data in the retrieve-folder. For example, in case of queries after fixing the keys, you should retrieve automations.
Note to CLI experts:
You can run this command without the interactive wizard asking questions using the
(or short--yes
) flag. In this case, you need to provide a few values in the command:mcdev fixKeys MyProject/* query --y.fixKeysReretrieve mcdev fixKeys MyProject/* query --y.fixKeysReretrieve=false
CLI Argument | Description |
--y.fixKeysReretrieve |
enable automatic re-retrieval of metadata that's dependant on the fixed type |
--y.fixKeysReretrieve=false |
skip automatic re-retrieval of metadata that's dependant on the fixed type |
Command: mcdev replaceContentBlock <--bu business unit> <--to 'key' | 'name' | 'id'> [--metadata type] [--from 'key' | 'name' | 'id'] [--skipRetrieve] [--skipDeploy] [--refresh]
Alias: mcdev rcb
This replaces ContentBlockByName, ContentBlockById, or ContentBlockByKey with your chosen method. It works for Ampscript and the "Platform.Function."-prefixed SSJS alternatives. It retrieves specified metadata to ensure it parses the latest server versions, prepares the update locally, and then redeploys the metadata.
Contrary to older methods, replaceContentBlock
requires you to define the target BU via the --bu
parameter instead of just naming it directly after the command itself. That gives you a bit more flexibility in how you write your commands, but it makes no difference otherwise.
--to This defines which function you want your code to be converted to use. Possible values: "name", "id", "key".
--metadata (optional) Set the types (or even type and keys/ids/names) that you want to fix. If omitted, all supported types will be updated - unless they are not listed in your mcdev config for retrieval.
--from (optional)
You may choose to limit what methods get swapped out by defining the --from
parameter in case you want to keep one but swap out the other. By default, --from
is set to whatever you did not choose for --to
. Example: --to key
means that --from
is auto-set to "name id" and hence ContentBlockByName and ContentBlockById will be replaced with ContentBlockByKey. Any other combination, of course, also works. Possible values: "name", "id", "key".
--skipRetrieve (optional)
If you are absolutely sure you have the latest version of the code already downloaded or you want to override the server versions for some other reason then this option allows you to run rcb
directly on your local code and skip the otherwise mandatory retrieve in the beginning. You will however still see that caching is conducted from the server, because Ids/ObjectIds are typically not saved in your downloaded JSONs.
--skipDeploy (optional)
With this option you enable dry-run mode, allowing you to review the deployment package carefully. Keep in mind that changes are made to your files in the retrieve-folder and not in the deploy-folder. At the end of execution, rcb
will acknowledge dry-run mode and provide you with a one-liner to execute the targeted deploy for changed files once you are ready.
--refresh (optional)
This is the same option already available for deploy. It only works if you did not use the --skipDeploy
option. See deploy
docs for more details.
mcdev rcb --bu MyProject/DEV --to key
mcdev rcb --bu MyProject/DEV --to key -m senderProfile
mcdev rcb --bu MyProject/DEV --to name -m journey --skipDeploy
mcdev rcb --bu * --to id -m triggeredSend -m script -m asset
mcdev rcb --bu * --to key --from name -m asset --refresh
mcdev rcb --bu * --to key -m "asset:key1" --refresh
mcdev rcb --bu MyProject/DEV --to key automation --skipRetrieve --skipDeploy
mcdev rcb --bu MyProject/* --to key journey --skipRetrieve
Copyright (c) 2020-2025 Accenture. MIT licensed. Main contributors: Jörn Berkefeld, Doug Midgley