You need a Maven installation. Run
cd < Microservice directory >
mvn clean package
Build the image and give it a name, or tag.
For Customer Service Example Microservice run
cd CustomerServiceExampleMicroservice
docker build -t customer_service_example .
For Question Generator Service Microservice run
cd QuestionGeneratorSeriviceMicroservice
docker build -t question_generator_service .
For Quality Question Microservice run
cd QualityQuestionMicroservice
docker build -t quality_question_service .
You can build without cache running
docker build --no-cache=true -t ... .
WARNING! The trailing dot "." is very important! Don't forget it!
Tag the image with a repo name <username>/<reponame>:<version>
docker tag customer_service_example aceofwands/customer_service_example:0.1
docker tag question_generator_service aceofwands/question_generator_service:0.1
docker tag quality_question_service aceofwands/quality_question_service:0.1
Push it to the docker-hub
docker push aceofwands/customer_service_example:0.1
docker push aceofwands/question_generator_service:0.1
docker push aceofwands/quality_question_service:0.1
Then move to each microservice directory and run:
docker-compose up
Enter the application container with
docker exec -it <container-name> bash
Then look at the os version:
cat /etc/os-release