| English |
Handy scripts for handling files.
Usage instructions are placed under each folder.
Search file content by specified character set over folder tree.
Batch rename Tencent instant messaging applications (Wechat, QQ, TIM...) exported pictures in a folder:
- Remove the file name prefix.
- Convert the timestamp string to daytime string.
Collect Linux running status, including processes, networks, mountpoints, environment variables, into a folder named linux.status.
Useful to make a record before reboot, and confirm after reboot.
Make life of reboot easier.
Hex view of part of a file.
Compare 2 folders by size only / 4 kB partial / full file content compare mode.
Byte array from / to Base16 / Base32 / Base64 string, C / Java escaped string, Quoted-printable / URL encoded string, file, Java expression.
A simple truncate command that can be run under Windows, to change the file size.
Encode file or clipboard to Base64 form with linebreak, so that there are no more than 76 characters per line, according to RFC 2045.
| Chinese | 中文 |
- 删掉软件名前缀。
- 时间戳转成日期时间文字。
收集 Linux 运行状态,包括进程、网络、挂载点、环境变量,写入 linux.status 文件夹。
比较2个文件夹,支持仅比较文件长度 / 4 kB 部分内容 / 全部内容。
字节数组与 Base16 / Base32 / Base64 字符串、C / Java / Quoted-printable / URL 转义字符串、文件、Java 表达式之间转换。
可运行在视窗系统的简单 truncate 命令,改文件大小。
将文件或剪贴板编码为带换行的Base64,每行不超过76字符,以符合RFC 2045。