Acuant Android MobileSDK version 4.6
Optimizations for Android 7.
Modified the signature of onBarcodeTimeOut
from, public void onBarcodeTimeOut(); to, public void onBarcodeTimeOut(Bitmap croppedImage,Bitmap originalImage); /*This function will be triggered to alert that the capture is pending without closing the camera view. The argument croppedImage will have the cropped image of the last frame before this function is triggered.If the frame could not be cropped this argument will be null.*/
When the barcode side cropping is enabled, the following listener function will be called to retrieve the original image of the barcode side.
public void onOriginalCapture(Bitmap bitmap);
Added API to enable Barcode side image capture and cropping when back button is pressed on the barcode capture camera interface.
/*setCropBarcodeOnCancel : Enable or disable the barcode image cropping while pressing the back button.The default if false;*/ setCropBarcodeOnCancel(true);
Modified the onCancelCapture call back as below :
public void onCancelCapture(Bitmap croppedImage,Bitmap originalImage); /*Called when the user tap the back button.If the back button is pressed in barcode interface and the barcode cropping on cancel is enabled then the arguments will contain the cropped image and original image.Otherwise the arguments will be null.*/