Last updated – August 9, 2018
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August 2018
Acuant Inc.
6080 Center Drive, Suite 850
Los Angeles, CA 90045
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Acuant Web Services supports data extraction from driver’s licenses, state IDs, other government issued IDs, custom IDs, driver’s licenses, barcodes, and passports. It also supports document authentication and facial recognition to verify and authenticate the identity.
This document contains a detailed description of all functions that developers need to integrate with the Acuant Android Mobile SDK.
Prerequisites: API version 21 or higher.
Open the App manifest file.
Specify the permissions in the App manifest file:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> // Required if reading e-Chip in the e-Passports <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC" />
Add the following meta information in the manifest file:
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="barcode,face" />
Include the following line in the dependencies:
implementation ''
Note The Android Mobile SDK uses the Android Vision library.
Add the following dependencies for e-Chip verification:
implementation ('org.jmrtd:jmrtd:0.5.13') implementation ('org.ejbca.cvc:cert-cvc:1.4.3') implementation ('com.madgag.spongycastle:prov:') implementation ('net.sf.scuba:scuba-sc-android:0.0.9') //Note : Required for e-Chip reading in e-Passports
Add the Acuant SDK dependency:
implementation project(':acuantsdk')
Keep the following ProGuard rules while obfuscating:
-keep class * { native <methods>; } -keep class org.ejbca.** { *; } -keepclassmembers class org.ejbca.** { *; } -keep class net.sf.scuba.** { *; } -keepclassmembers class net.sf.scuba.** { *; } -keep class org.jmrtd.** { *; } -keepclassmembers class org.jmrtd.** { *; }
Note: See the sample application for information about how to correctly set up the permissions and dependencies.
Set the endpoints:
val endPoints = Endpoints() endPoints!!.frmEndpoint = "" endPoints!!.idEndpoint = "" endPoints!!.healthInsuranceEndpoint = ""
Set the credentials:
val credential = Credential() credential!!.username = "[email protected]" credential!!.password = "password" credential!!.subscription = "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" credential!!.endpoints = endPoints
Initialize the Controller:
Controller.init(credential, object : InitializationListener { override fun initializationFinished(error: Error?) { if (error == null) { // Success } else { // Handle error here } } });
Image capture is described by the sample application in the "com.acuant.sampleapp.documentcapturecamera" package. See the createCameraSource of DocumentCaptureActivity function that shows how to capture a document.
Note: The sample capture code is provided if there is a requirement to detect PDF417 2D barcode in the image.
// To create a document detector
documentDetector = controller.createDocumentDetector(context,this);
DocumentCameraSource.Builder builder = new
.setRequestedPreviewSize(1600, 1024)
// The following method will start detecting barcode on the document with time (in seconds):
After an image is captured, it is sent to the cropping library for cropping.
Set card attributes:
If the card type is known, then set it to the correct type (for example, CardType.ID1, CardType.ID2, or CardType.ID3). If card type is ID2, then set the card width (in inches). If the card type is either ID1 or ID3, then use the AUTO setting to automatically detect the card type with the cropping function.
val cardAttributes = CardAtributes() if(!isHealthInsuranceCard) { //cardAttributes.cardType = CardType.ID2 //cardAttributes.cardWidth = 4.13f cardAttributes.cardType = CardType.AUTO }
Note: See
Set the cropping options:
Set the CardAttributes, regardless of whether the captured image(s) is a Health Insurance card, and whether the Image metrics (Sharpness and Glare) are required.
val options = CroppingOptions() options.imageMetricsRequired = imageMetricsRequired options.cardAtributes = cardAttributes // For Medical Insurance Card set the isHealthCard to true options.isHealthCard = false
Set the Image to be cropped:
val data = CroppingData() data.image = image
Crop the image:
val acuantImage : Image = controller.crop(options,data);
Image class structure:
public class Image { public Bitmap image; public CardType detectedCardType; public boolean hasImageMetrics; public boolean isSharp; public boolean hasGlare; public int sharpnessGrade; public int glareGrade; public Error error; }
Note: A sharpness grade of 50 and above is defined as a sharp image. A glare grade of 50 or higher indicates that there is no glare present in the image.
The following sample describes how to create a live face detector and camera source.
Create a live face detector and a CameraSource:
// The first parameter is the activity and the second one is the LiveFaceListener val liveFaceDetector = controller.createLiveFaceDetector(context, this) // Pass the detector to the CameraSource val mCameraSource = CameraSource.Builder(context, liveFaceDetector) .setFacing(CameraSource.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT) .setRequestedPreviewSize(320, 240) .setRequestedFps(60.0f) .setAutoFocusEnabled(true) .build()
LiveFaceListener interface
The LiveFaceListener interface includes the following method:
override fun liveFaceDetailsCaptured(liveFaceDetails: LiveFaceDetails) { if (liveFaceDetails.error == null) { if(liveFaceDetails.isLiveFace){ // A live face is detected and the face image can be accessed as liveFaceDetails.image } } else { } }
Use a Web Service call to process the captured images.
Set the processing options:
val cardAttributes = CardAtributes() // If it is ID2 type then set the cardWidth correctly //cardAttributes.cardType = CardType.ID2 //cardAttributes.cardWidth = 4.13f cardAttributes.cardType = cardType val idProcessingOptions = IdOptions() idProcessingOptions.cardAttributes = cardAttributes // For Medical Insurance Card set isHealthCard to true. // By default it is set to false mageProcessingOptions.isHealthCard = false
Note: By default, the processing mode is set to the mode enabled in the subscription. However, if a user only requires data capture, then they can limit the processing mode by setting the following option:
imageProcessingOptions.processingMode = ProcessingMode.DataCapture
Set the processing data:
val idProcessingData = IdData() imageProcessingData.frontImage = backImage // Bitmap imageProcessingData.backImage = frontImage // Bitmap imageProcessingData.barcodeString = capturedBarcodeString // String
Process the ID:
controller.processId(idProcessingData,idProcessingOptions,object : ImageProcessingListener{ override fun imageProcessingFinished(result: ImageProcessingResult?) { // Handle the response } })
Set the facial data:
val facialMatchData = FacialMatchData() facialMatchData.faceImageOne = capturedFaceImage facialMatchData.faceImageTwo = capturedSelfieImage
Process the facial match:
controller.processFacialMatch(facialMatchData,object : FacialMatchListener{ override fun facialMatchFinished(result: FacialMatchResult?) { // Handle response here } })
Initialize the Android NFC Adapter:
NfcAdapter nfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this);
Ensure that the permission is provided in runtime for API level 23 and above.
Use the SDK API to listen to NFC tags available in an e-Passport:
controller.listenNFC(activity, nfcAdapter, listener)
If an NFC Tag is discovered, then the control will return to the method of the Activity that was previously overridden:
@Override protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { super.onNewIntent(intent); // Read the information from the tag as below controller.readNFCTag(intent, docNumber, dateOfBirth, dateOfExpiry) }
Implement the Listener methods for success or failure:
override fun tagReadSucceeded(cardDetails: NFCData?, image: Bitmap?, sign_image: Bitmap?) { // Handle Response } override fun tagReadFailed(message: String?) { // Handle error }