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Writing Copy Pastes

Audrey Andoy edited this page Dec 1, 2020 · 4 revisions

Fake Names

To prevent bias, use a name generator whenever you need a hypothetical name. Concrete names and characters can help make material easier to understand.



## Learning Goals

## Introduction

## Vocabulary and Synonyms

| Vocab | Definition | Synonyms | How to Use in a Sentence
| --- | --- | --- | ---

## Summary

## Check for Understanding


  • The comments "Can be async" and "Written to be synchronous" are flags to message the activity needs to activity facilitators.
  • "How to Review" section are things for both the students and instructors to use!
# Activity: 

<!-- Can be async -->
<!-- Written to be synchronous -->
<!-- Ideal Format: Small groups, large groups, roundtables, etc. -->

## Goal

Our goal is

## Activity Instructions

### Preparation (if any needed)

## How to Review


Learn markdown supports div elements and inline HTML. This allows us to adjust the width and height of table columns like so:

<div style="text-align:center;">

| <div style="width:100px;">item</div> | <div style="width:50px">price</div>  |
| -----------------------------------  | -----------------------------------  | 
|              ice cream               |                $2                    |


Feel free to use markdown preview apps like Markdown Live Preview to test table stylings.

Prettier Ignore for Challenges

Learn syntax requires bullet points to be *, and Prettier formats bullet points to -. Use this syntax around challenges and we'll format all other text.

<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
### !challenge

### !end-challenge
<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->

TODO: Make a real regex pattern so we can run this multiple times on all files and it doesn't "stack" comments


Worksheets and stuff.

# Practice: Exception Handling

## Directions

Complete all questions below.

## Practice