Very exprimental bindings to GSL
At the moment for play and show only the low-level parts are in place.
- Complete highl-level binding see GSL.Low_Level.gsl_gsl_cdf_h --> GSL.cdf as initial template (its probable doable to automate parts of the process)
- Write tests gnattest?
- GSL.Low_Level.gsl_gsl_${name}_h maps to GSL.${name}
- C double maps to Ada Long_Float
- C float maps to Ada Float
- C int maps to Ada Integer
- C long double maps to Ada Long_Long_Float
- C short maps to Ada Short_Integer
- C unsigned types needs to investigated from case to case in a lot of cases they may map to Natural ort Positive, and in som other cases its better to use the types from Interfaces.C directly.