This is a template project for the GNATStudio ide
The intent is to provide a base for writing bindings to C-libraries.
Where the high level bindings written by hand goes and the files. It also contains the input.cpp file that is used as main file for the automatic generation of specs.
Contains the Ada-specs automaticly generated from the header-files. These files are set to read-only after a successful generation to realy emphsise that they are not to be edited by hand.
Contains a set of .sed-scripts to be applied to the generated specs before compilation There are two classes of scripts: .sed-files with an "_" first in the file name and the file "all.sed". these scripts are applied to every .ads-file .sed-files with a basesname equal to an .ads-file These scripts are apllied to the corresponding .ads file only This folder is searched recursivly for .sed files.