This package can be used to provide updates when new products appear on Wallapop. Install it just by using:
pip install wallapopUpdateWatcher
from wallapopUpdateWatcher import updateWatcher,Query,Producto
import asyncio
async def callback(q: Query, l: list[Producto]):
for prod in l:
async def main():
watcher = updateWatcher(callback)
await watcher.create("Iphone",strategy="price", min_max_sale_price = (15,30))
# this creates a search for the product "Iphone"
# between 15€ and 30€.
while True:
await watcher.checkOperation()
await asyncio.sleep(5)
Strategies are what decides if a product that has already appeared sometime is going to be notified. There are 3 strategies:
Price: This strategy only adds the product if its price has changed. It is the default strategy.
New: This strategy only notifies new products.
Any: This strategy notifies any product, even if it has already been notified.