This repository is a collection of continuous learning workshops that are available at nodeschool. Each workshop is a modular CLI program, prepared to walk through a set of lessons on the given topic.
For each lesson, the learner attempts a solution and runs it in comparison with the test. The solution will either pass or fail, allowing either the workshop or further reading to continue until a solution does pass in alignment with the test.
These are a simple & elegant, effective format. I am grateful for them.
- async-you
- bacon-love
- browserify-adventure
- bug-clinic
- bytewiser
- count-to-6
- currying-workshopper
- elementary-electron
- es-next-generation
- expressworks
- functional-javascript-workshop
- git-it
- goingnative
- howtomarkdown
- how-to-npm
- innersourceadventure
- introtowebgl
- javascripting
- js-best-practices
- kick-off-koa
- lololodash
- learnyoucouchdb
- learnyoumongo
- learnyouhtml
- learnyoureact
- learnyounode
- learnyoubash
- learnuv
- learn-generators
- learn-sass
- less-is-more
- levelmeup
- nodebot-workshop
- node-debug-school (Post-mortem-Debugging)
- pattern-lab-workshop
- perfschool
- planetproto
- promise-it-wont-hurt
- regex-adventure
- scope-chains-closures
- seneca-in-practice
- shader-school
- stream-adventure
- thinking-in-react
- torrential
- tower-of-babel
- web-audio-school
- webgl-workshop